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Guest Editorial
                  GP                    SPRING 2019
                                             By Shahram (Sean) Shekib, JD, DDS*
                                        SPRING 2019
                                             and Martin Applebaum, JD, MA**

              The Journal of the                       Why Mediation?
           New York State Academy            Have you ever felt that the way we try to  skillful, humane, cost-effective, time- and
             of General Dentistry            resolve conflict these days, with each side  stress-saving way for people in dispute to

          New York State Academy of General Dentistry    stuck in its hardened position while view-  directly address and transform conflict with
           19-02 Whitestone Expressway, Suite 204  ing the other side as nothing more than a  one another without going to court.
                 Whitestone, NY 11357        wrong-headed adversary, isn’t the best way
                Telephone: 718-747-3353                                           Mediation can be used as a tool in virtual-
                   Fax: 718-747-3355         for people to go forward? Our adversarial
          To Contact the NYSAGD, visit our website   system of justice surely has its benefits in   ly any area of conflict. Some of the areas
                   at         terms of protecting legal rights, but in too   where mediation is employed to great effect
          Janice Pliszczak, DDS, MS, MBA, MAGD   many situations, the system is slow, inef-  include: provision of services in healthcare
                       Editor                ficient, and costly -- and it almost always   and other areas; civil  claims; partner-
             Analia Veitz-Keenan, DDS, FAGD     creates winners and losers, often unneces-  ship;  business and contract;  workplace
                      Co-Editor              sarily creating stress and damaging human   and employment; family and divorce; child
                     Paula Bostick           relationships, both business and personal,   custody  and visitation; surrogate matters;
                    Executive Director                                            real estate/property/neighbor  disputes;
                                             in the process. Should our first thought to
                 2023 Executive Council      solve  a  dispute  be  protracted  litigation?   and eldercare.  Yes,  in  your  business  life
         President – Shahram (Sean) Shekib, DDS, JD,   Should our first inclination be that we need   as  dental  professionals,  in  your  personal
         FAGD, FICD, FAADS, FPFA, FACD       a third party -- a judge or arbitrator -- to   relationships, and in your interactions out
         2178 63  Street, Brooklyn, NY  11204  solve a problem that those in conflict can-  in the world, as a matter of course disputes
                                             not find a way to resolve the issue them-  of one kind or another inevitably arise. You
         President-Elect – Analia Veitz-Keenan, DDS, FAGD                         may view conflict as an unhealthy imped-
         NYU College of Dentistry, 345 East 24  Street  selves?
         New York, NY  10010                                                      iment to be combated under great duress,
                                             What  if  there  were  another  way  to  ap-  or you may see conflict as what naturally
         Treasurer – Joseph DiDonato, III, DDS, MBA, FAGD  proach and resolve conflict? What if there  happens when people with different values,
         680 South Avenue, Rochester, NY  14620
                                             were a way to have two winners or, at the  interests, and needs meet and have to find
         Secretary – Berry Stahl, DMD        very least, a path where two people could  ways  to  get  along  or,  sometimes,  to  part
         4422 Third Avenue, Bronx, NY  10457  come out of conflict, understanding and re-  in a skillful way. Perhaps, when the time
         Editor – Janice Pliszczak, DDS, MS, MBA, MAGD  specting one another? What if there were  comes, you may choose mediation, benefi-
         4827 Broad Road, Syracuse, NY  13215  a way that empowers  those in conflict to  cial in so many ways, as a skillful response
                                             fashion their own outcome together? What  to a conflict in your life.
         National Trustee – Ira Levine, DDS, MAGD  if this approach were quick, efficient, and
         111 North Central Park Avenue, Suite 208,                                              *  Shahram (Sean) Shekib
         Hartsdale, NY  10538                low-cost?
                                                                                                is President of the New
         Regional Director – Seung-Hee Rhee, DDS, MAGD  Well, there is such an approach. It is called   York  State  Academy
         110 East 40  Street, New York, NY  10016  mediation. Mediation is an opportunity for   of General Dentistry,
         Immediate Past-President – Teresa Skalyo, DDS, FAGD  those  in  conflict  to  safely  say  to  one  an-  Certified  Mediator,  and
                                                                                                Co-Founder  of Attune
         404 W. William Street, Geneva, NY  14456  other why they have come and what they       Mediation (www.attune-
                                             want.  It  is  a  voluntary,  confidential  pro-
         GP – Journal of the New York State Academy of   cess  facilitated  by  an  impartial  mediator
         General Dentistry is published twice a year by
         the New York State Academy of General Dentistry.   that empowers those in conflict to craft an   **    Martin  Applebaum
         The issues are mailed out in March and September   outcome on their own terms. The media-  is a member of the
         to all the members of the New York State Academy
         of General Dentistry and are available on-line   tor never makes a judgment in favor of one   Mediation  Panel  of  the
         at All correspondence should   side at the expense of the other. The partic-  New York City Family
         be addressed to the Editor at 19-02 Whitestone                                         Court and Co-Founder of
         Expressway, Suite 204, Whitestone, NY 11357.  ipants themselves actually decide what will
         The views, opinions and recommendations   happen going forward. Mediation is a         Attune  Mediation  (www.
         expressed in this publication are those of the                               
         respective authors and are not necessarily
         endorsed by the Academy of General Dentistry.
         Placement of an advertisement in GP – Journal
         of the New York State Academy of General
         Dentistry does not indicate an endorsement
         of its products or services by the Academy of
         General Dentistry.
                    ISSN 2770-2391
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