Page 7 - GP fall 2023
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Figure 23. The Push-Pull contact forming  Figure 26. The injection  molding process
      instrument was inserted into the preparation,  was completed in the same manner as with
      and the matrix was pushed against tooth #13  the MO on #13. After the ring, matrix and
      to ensure a broad proximal contact.   wedge were removed, excess composite on
                                            the  occlusal,  buccal,  and  lingual  surface
                                            was removed, and occlusion was verified.  Figure 29.  The periapical radiograph
                                                                                 shows intact  proximal contact  between
                                                                                 teeth #12 and # 13. The proximal margins
                                                                                 are smooth, with no overhangs.

                                                                                               Dr.  Abdelhady  grad-
                                                                                               uated from the Cairo
      Figure 24. The composite “spot-welds” were                                               University Dental School
      cured for 5 seconds each while the Push-Pull                                             and    practices  in
      instrument was held firmly in place.   Figure 27. The Bioclear three-step “Rock-         Sunnyside, Queens.
                                            Star” polishing protocol was performed to
                                            obtain a smooth and shiny restoration.

                                                                                                Dr. Volker  practices  in
                                                                                                Sunnyside, Queens.

      Figure 25. Resultant contour after curing.

                                            Figure 28. Final polished restoration with
                                            tight proximal contact and anatomic shape.

                                                                 NYU Dentistry

                                                                 Senior Awards Ceremony

                                                                 During the May 10, 2023 event, the NYU Class 2023
                                                                 dental students Juhee Kim and Jennifer Magalhaes re-
                                                                 ceived the AGD Award. This award has been established
                                                                 to  recognize  senior  dental  students  from  each  dental
                                                                 school  in  the  United  States,  Canada,  and  Puerto  Rico
                                                                 who exhibit potential for becoming outstanding general
                                                                 dentists. The award is open to AGD student members in
                                                                 their senior year of dental school who have indicated a
                                                                 desire to practice general dentistry. Both awardees were
                                                                 selected by AGD NYU faculty for their excellence in
                                                                 academics and clinical patient care.

                                                                 Dr. Kim works as a general dentist in private practice
                                                                 and Dr. Magalhaes is in a GPR program.

                                                                              l Fall 2023 l GP 7
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