Page 6 - GP fall 2023
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Figure 10. 37% ortho-phosphoric acid was Figure 14. Prior to curing, the excess com- Figure 18. The tooth was etched with 37%
used to etch the surface of #13. posite was removed from the occlusal sur- ortho-phosphoric acid.
face with a microbrush. The microscope fil-
ter was momentarily removed to assess any
potential voids and confirm a satisfactory
fill of the matrix.
Figure 11. A fifth-generation bonding agent Figure 19. Using a bent microbrush, a
was placed and cured. Then the bonding fifth-generation bonding agent was applied
agent was re-applied and air-thinned, but and air thinned without curing.
not cured.
Figure 15. As the Bioclear matrix is com-
posed of clear mylar, the composite can be
cured from the occlusal, buccal, and lingual
surfaces, which is not possible to accom-
plish with a metal band or sectional matrix.
Figure 12. To the uncured bonding agent, a
small amount of heated flowable bulk-filled
composite was injected into the matrix but
also not cured.
Figure 16. The matrices and the ring were
removed. The composite was further cured.
The de-ox gel was applied, and a final cure
was done to ensure complete polymeriza- Figures 20 & 21. To ensure a tight contact,
tion and removal of the oxygen-inhibited the “Spot-Weld” technique was used. On
layer. Note the buccal and lingual excess of both the buccal and lingual surfaces of the
the composite. tooth, a drop of room temperature flowable
Figure 13. To the still uncured bonding composite was placed between the matrix
agent and heated flowable composite, a and tooth, then over the matrix. The com-
heated bulk-filled paste composite was in- posite is not cured.
jected into the matrix.
Figure 17. A Bioclear premolar matrix was
seated distal to tooth #12. A medium dia-
mond Bioclear wedge was inserted against
the matrix. The matrix was secured in place Figure 22. View of buccal and lingual spot
using the Twin Ring separating ring. welds prior to insertion of Pull-Pull Contact
Former. l Fall 2023 l GP 6