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The practice of dentistry based on minimize the required exposure to 7 European Guidelines on Radiation Protection
the best available evidence will help protect our patients from the cumu- in Dental Radiology. European Union
Commission Radiation Protection # 136. 2004.
us understand the necessity to use lative effects of radiation. 8 Taylor-Weetman K, Wake B, Hyde C.
critical thinking and to stop practices Comparison of panoramic and bitewing radi-
and tendencies that are not benefi- References ography for the detection of dental caries: A
1 International Commission on Radiological systematic review of diagnostic tests.
cial for the patient. As healthcare Protection. 1990 Recommendations. Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects
professionals, we are committed to 2 ADA & FDA Guidelines for the Selection of (DARE). 2002;1–55.
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to our patients and use the latest 3 National Commission on Radiological Comparison of two radiographic assessment
advancements in science and tech- Protection. Report No. 160. 2006. protocols for patients with periodontal dis-
4 Ludlow JB, Davies-Ludlow LE, White SC. ease. Br Dent J. 2005 May 14; 198(9):565-9;
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Patient risk related to common dental radi-
health of the population. Therefore, ographic examination. J Am Dent Assoc. 10 American Dental Association Council on
changing our mindset in regards to 2008;139:1237-1243. Scientific Affairs. The Use of Dental
5 National Commission on Radiological Radiographs - Update and Recommendations.
“routine x-rays” is based on today’s Protection. Report No. 145. 2003. J Am Dent Assoc. 2006;137:1304-12.
best available evidence. The imple- 6 An update on radiographic practices: 11 Rushton VE, et al. Screening panoramic
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Council on Scientific Affairs. JADA
reduce radiographic exposure to 2001;132:234-238. phy and identification of selection criteria. Br
decrease quality of healthcare but to Dental J. 2002:192(5):275-279.
Source: ADA and FDA Guidelines for the Selection of Patients for Dental Radiographic Examination: 2004. | Fall 2009 | GP 12