Page 20 - GP FALL 2009
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Communication as a Powerful Marketing Tool

                                     Soothing Your Patient’s Fears
                                                      By Diana Hartley
               o you want to attract the best  and as a result, the cost of going to  really busy, is that patients are not
              patients  to  your  practice,  the  the  dentist  also  increases.  As  you  coming  to  your  office  because  they
        Dones  that  appreciate  your        well know, most of these procedures  want to. They are coming because
        work,  pay  your  fees  without  com-  are out-of-pocket and not covered by  they have to.  They have problems
        plaining and refer others to you? Do  dental insurances. Now you are deal-  that  they  cannot  fix  or  they  are
        you  want  to  build  deep  values  into  ing not only with the fear of the pro-  proactive  about  their  hygiene
        your  office  experience  that  will  set  cedure but fear of the cost as well.   appointments.  I  doubt  whether  any
        you  apart?  If  your  answer  is  “yes”,  These fears cause people to ignore  patient  really  wants  to  be  there,
        then  you  need  to  create  a  practice  their dental health, opting to believe  except  those  who  have  experienced
        that  is  committed  to  effective  com-  they  can  live  with  a  broken  tooth,  freedom from pain or the embarrass-
        munication with your patients.       bleeding  gums  or  substandard  bites.  ment  of  cosmetic  meltdowns.  Never
           We  speak,  write  and  communi-  Inwardly, they know they cannot get  take  the  reason  for  a  patient’s  visit
        cate  all  day  in  so  many  different  away with this forever.  But their fear  for  granted.  If  they  could  be  on  the
        ways that sometimes we become rote   of  the  financial  burden  makes  them  golf  course  or  out  shopping,  they
        in our response to people and situa-  postpone  the  treatment  until  it  gets  would be. The awareness of this fact
        tions.  Beyond  crafting  and  broad-  worse. It is a vicious cycle but you can  will  focus  your  communication  on
        casting  the  most  focused  branding  help them by practicing effective com-  engaging and soothing their discom-
        messages,  communication  is  the    munication.  Let’s answer a few ques-  fort  and  fears.  It  will  also  build  a
        most  powerful  way  to  build  a  rock  tions  to  get  you  started  thinking  strong bond of trust for future visits.
        solid  practice.  The  run  of  the  mill  about the ways you can use effective  When  everyone  in  the  office  is
        marketing people will tell you other-  communication in your office.     aware of their responsibility to make
        wise,  but  once  their  programs  are                                   the patient feel good throughout the
        done,  do  the  results  remain?     How do you relax your patients      entire  process,  the  patients  will  see
        Meaning,  when  you  spend  the      and  address  their  fears  of  pain,  the  office  as  the  place  where  they
        money,  it  should  pay  you  back  for  procedure  and  cost  of  treat-  will continue to seek treatment and
        years.  A  lasting  sweep  through  all  ment?                           refer others.
        the  communication  modalities  in   Take  the  time  to  talk  with  your
        your practice will pay off big time.  patients. It is a great investment in  What  perspective  do  you  hold
           The  people  that  come  through  building  long-term  relationships.  from the first patient to the last
        your office will not realize why it feels  Ask more  and  more  questions  each day?
        different, but when you use effective  until  you  see  them  relax  and  open  You hold the perspective that you are
        communication,  they  will  feel  more  up,  recognizing  that  when  they  there to provide real comfort, not just
        relaxed  and  empowered.  They  will  smile,  they  are  relaxed.    Your  good  physical  comfort,  but  psychological
        feel  seen  and  heard.  Since  building  intention to make them feel comfort-  comfort  as  well.  Using  communica-
        long-term  relationship  is  the  key  to  able  will  cue  you  to  ask  as  many  tion to comfort your patients during
        any successful business, creating an  questions  as  it  takes  to  help  them  each  step  of  the  process,  from  the
        excellent and consistent communica-  feel  safe  in  your  office.  People  hide  moment  they  open  the  door  to  the
        tion methodology goes a long way to  their feelings about money and pain  moment they leave, will also further
        setting you apart from your competi-  because they have been taught that  lead you to create educational hand-
        tion.  In  your  field,  one  of  the  best  it is not safe to ask for help in these  outs  or  information  filled  websites
        ways  to  distinguish  yourself  is  how  areas.  This  can  result  in  cancelled  and  talks  to  the  community  about
        you address your patient’s fears.    appointments,  delayed  procedures  important health issues. No patient
           It  is  a  fact  that  most  people  are  and a variety of excuses for not com-  should  be  ignored  and  no  patient
        afraid  of  the  dentist.  Sometimes  it  ing in on time. When you create safe-  issue  is  too  small  to  be  addressed
        can be obvious but most of the time,  ty  around  these  subjects  and  help  with respect.
        it can be buried underneath a brave  your  patients  work  through  their
        smile, a tough exterior or the white  fears,  you  are  serving  them  at  the  How can you use your communi-
        knuckled  fingers  gripping  the  arm-  deepest level. Creating trust at this  cation skills to create equanimi-
        rest  of  the  dental  chair.  We  can  all  level helps them to build a long term  ty  and  help  your  patients  trust
        recall our childhood visits to the den-  relationship  with  you  because  you  you?
        tist  -  being  put  into  that  big,  cold  make them feel safe. You might even  Watch  and  listen  to  everything
        chair  and  told  to  “open  wide”  and  help them make the tough choice of  they say and do before speaking or
        trust  those  adults  in  scary  masks  having the procedure now instead of  taking  action. The  best  communi-
        and white coats. They usually said it  delaying it.                      cators  always  pay  a  great  deal  of
        wouldn’t hurt but it did and our den-                                    attention, with all of their senses, to
        tal fears were off and running. Fast  How can you help your patients     who is in front of them or who is on
        forward to now.                      recognize  that  your  practice  is  the phone. They are not afraid to ask
           As more and more patients reach   truly outstanding?                  questions  when  they  see  someone
        middle  age  and  beyond,  their  need  The  thing  to  always  remember,  squirm, see a facial expression that
        for  restorative  procedures  increases  which can be difficult when you are  is  flat,  or  when  their  words  don’t | Fall 2009 | GP 20
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