Page 21 - GP FALL 2009
P. 21
match what the patient is physically in the office work in unison to deliv-
exhibiting. Read the body lan- er the same message, you will be cre-
guage and listen for tone of voice. ating a practice that shines from
These things do not lie. It is okay to inside out.
ask them if they feel better, want As a communication expert, I feel
more information, or a better expla- that paying attention to patients’
nation. It is better than having them needs is one of the best ways to con-
leave with questions and not bond sistently create an outstanding expe-
with you or your staff. rience for them. Really listening and
People want to feel heard and this responding to the patients as indi-
is something few healthcare practi- viduals is rare these days. But if you
tioners do these days. Practice and focus on your patients, it will help
be aware of body language that create other processes that will make
sends signals of comfort or discom- their experiences better each time B.C. Szerlip Insurance Agency
fort. Once you are proficient, you can and in turn, you will be repaid with
feel good knowing exactly how to more referrals and patients who are has specialized in supporting
respond to ease your patient’s fears. loyal to your practice. the practices of health care
Case Study: You are telling a Consistent actions, communica- professionals for almost 30
patient that he needs dental restora- tion, and excellent results, with the
tions. The patient has gotten really emphasis on consistency, elicit years. And now, the health care
quiet, looks a bit pale and just keeps trust and make people want to build industry’s trusted source for
saying, “Okay”. What do you say or a stronger relationship with you. top-rated malpractice, office
do in this circumstance? Many times Modern life is trying and sometimes property and liability coverage
we ignore everything but the words seems out of control. Create an excel-
our patients are speaking to us. But lent experience that patients can also offers general business and
the truth is this person is speaking expect and you will build strong personal insurance.
loud and clear with his body and not practice partnerships. This will
his words. guarantee that your practice will be
Your response: Stop. Take a robust, happy and thriving even in Using our industry-wide
moment and ask, “Do you feel com- uncertain times. contacts, we offer the most
fortable with my explanation? Am I comprehensive coverage at the
going too fast? Tell me what you Diana Hartley is a
heard me say about your health and communication and best possible rates, and provide
homecare.” If done with a gentle branding specialist insight that allows you to make
tone of voice, this patient will feel who helps dental informed decisions. In fact, we
professionals identify
that you really listened to him and and craft core mes-
that you understand how hard it is to sages that define maintain our partnership with
be in his position. their practice vision our clients three times longer
In conclusion, how can your office and attract patients who fit their phi- than the industry average. It’s
become “a standout experience” that losophy, style and lifestyle. These mes- no wonder why–we operate
makes referring and discussing your sages are communicated through the
office with others a regular occur- Internet, office communication, verbal with ethics, not profits, as our
rence for new and existing patients? communication and presentations, out- first priority.
Decide on an outstanding communi- side promotion, press and
cation strategy for your office and events. Diana coaches clients all over
the United States and Canada. She
create a plan to roll it out. By learn- lives and works in the San Francisco
ing more about how to ask questions, Bay Area and can be reached at 415-
creating documents that reinforce 785-7231 or by e-mail at
your position, and having everyone
Dr. Nathan Hershkowitz,
Immediate Past President,
receiving recognition award from
Dr. Janice Pliszczak, President | Fall 2009 | GP 21