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NYSAGD Externship Program
Connecting Students with AGD Dentists and their Practices
The NYS AGD Externship Program is a one week shadowing program for college/dental students and residents. This
program gives them the opportunity to experience first-hand the life of a dentist. This year, Gina Berti, Jeremy
Goldenberg, Kathleen Schultz, and Tony T. Yoon were selected to participate in the NYS AGD Externship Program.
A special thanks to Dr. Stephen Akseizer, Dr. Eugene Antenucci, Dr. Dimitrios Kilimitzoglou, and Dr. John W. Sung
for hosting the students.
Thanks to all the NYS AGD dentists who volunteered to be a part of this program and to all who participated and
made the 2009 program a success. We are still in need of dentists to volunteer for the NYS AGD Externship Program
for 2010. All who are interested in participating are encouraged to contact Dr. Sheri Glazer, DDS, Chair for the NYS
AGD Externship Program, at 260 Middle Country Road, Suite 202, Smithtown, NY 11787 or email at
Over the week of January 5, 2009, My experience with the AGD
I was fortunate to be given the oppor- Externship Program was an eye-
tunity to extern at the Smithtown opening experience. I could not have
dental office of Dr. Dimitrios asked to be assigned to a better den-
Kilimitzoglou, where he specializes in tist. Dr. John W. Sung, DDS is an
general, cosmetic, and implant den- amazing and outstanding dentist
tistry. I discovered this enlightening that is highly regarded by me, his
program through SUNY Stony Brook staff and his patients. He was very
Pre-Dental Association of which I am generous in his teaching and guid-
a member. As an aspiring dentist, I ance, always making sure that I was exposed to all
eagerly took this opportunity to further my knowledge aspects of dentistry. I am grateful for his kindness and
of the field and its practices. I greatly appreciated my hospitality and I will never forget what I have learned
time at the office and continued to learn new aspects of about the life of a highly-respected dentist.
the discipline in the days I took part in this program. I have learned that the life of a dentist is not as rou-
By sitting in on individuals in their many different tine and ordinary as one might expect. Aside from the
appointments with Dr. Kilimitzoglou, I was able to see obvious roles as a doctor and a health care provider, the
a side of dentistry which cannot be taught in textbooks. job of a dentist actually embodies the characteristics of
I was shown a new love for the field in the relationship many professions molded together. For example, each
a dentist has with his patients. case that a dentist sees is as unique as the individual
I was lucky to be paired with a dentist who was patients themselves. A dentist must know how to assess
open to all of my questions and one who truly loves the the problem and decide on the appropriate course to
work that he does. Dr. Kilimitzoglou was very knowl- take with each patient. In this respect, a dentist is like
edgeable in his trade. He explained all the procedures a detective - putting together pieces to a puzzle before
thoroughly to both his patients and me, describing finally solving the case. Yet the dentist does not pride
them on a level which was easy to understand. He was himself of knowing everything even after years of expe-
more than willing to allow me to observe in his office rience but humbles himself in striving to learn more.
and was enthusiastic about my growing desire to pur- The dentist always remains a student, constantly trying
sue dentistry as one of my future goals. By observing to learn the latest technologies and procedures, in order
his patients, it became very obvious to me that Dr. to provide the best care for his patients. At the same
Kilimitzoglou was a very well liked man. I was time, a dentist is also a teacher who educates his
amazed that there was not one patient who was patients on the proper management of oral hygiene. A
uncomfortable or anxious as they sat in the chair and dentist can also be seen as an artist. He must envision
they all complimented his work as they left the office. an end-product and sculpt it using tools and dexterity.
I could only hope that one day I would practice den- The goal is to remove what is not needed, leaving behind
tistry in such a gentle and efficient manner as Dr. a finished masterpiece. Ultimately, the dentist must
Kilimitzoglou. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed my short demonstrate his expertise and acquire the trust of his
time at Dr. Kilimitzoglou’s dental office. His genuine patients. Like a successful businessman, the dentist
love for the this great field has furthered my respect must display competence in order to establish a stable
and fondness for the discipline, as well as inspired me base of patients. The ability to mold all these character-
to continue my strong desire to one day practice den- istics into becoming a successful dentist is what makes
tistry. this profession so challenging yet appealing. My experi-
ence from the AGD Externship Program has only
Gina Berti strengthened my passion for a career in dentistry.
Senior Undergraduate Student
SUNY Stony Brook
Tony T. Yoon | Fall 2009 | GP 24