Page 27 - GP FALL 2009
P. 27
From The Executive Director
by Steven Eichberg Over the past 2 years, we have produced a very compre-
hensive “Transition into Practice” for this important
IG NEWS FOR NY DENTISTS - group. Offered in a digital format that can be down-
AGD Transcript Now Accepted loaded from our web site, this guide provides vital infor-
Bby NYSBD mation to the new dentists as they transition from school
As you have read in this Journal, the or residency into practice. AGD members, including Dr.
Academy and your NYSAGD Board have Rob Margolin, Dr. Deborah Pasquale, Dr. David Miller,
been very busy since the last issue in Dr. Burton Wasserman and Dr. Judy Ann Taylor, who are
February. Our sincere gratitude to every- directors of GPR programs, support the Academy by
one involved in the process of getting the ensuring their residents are part of our organization.
New York State Board of Dentistry to accept We are here to support your efforts and are available
the AGD transcript as proof of CE. If you don’t know how to meet with the residents and present to them an unbi-
big this is, just ask any one of your AGD colleagues who ased program on Disability Insurance. Please call me
has been audited in the past. A special thanks to Dr. directly at the office or email me at if
Nathan Hershkowitz, our immediate past president of you would like us to give a presentation at your program.
NYSAGD, and Mr. Daniel Buksa of the AGD for their We will even bring lunch!
tireless efforts on behalf of all our members. Are You Involved in a Study Group?
So what does this mean? You now have a powerful We are also available to do a brief presentation at your
reason to recruit new members to AGD. Unfortunately, study group about the Academy and the benefits of
there are many dentists in New York State who are not becoming a member. Please call me to set up a date and
part of any organized dentistry. Now is the perfect time time or supply you with materials for your study group.
to reach out to them, as the transcript acceptance give
our members protection against random audits and help Looking for Volunteers for the GNYDM
when it is time to renew licenses. Of course there are This year, NYSAGD and NJAGD will be jointly working
many more great reasons to belong to the only organi- the AGD booth on the exhibit floor at the Greater New
zation that represent the general dentist. But I York Dental Meeting from 10 am to 4 pm on Sunday,
know you will share those as well. November 29 to Wednesday, December 2. If you are
attending the meeting and would like to give an hour of
Are You Involved in a Residency Program? your time in the booth talking to prospective members,
Are you involved in a Residency program? If so, we need please contact me with the day and a time you would be
your help. Residents, along with students who go into available to help out. We will put you on the schedule
general practice, represent the future of our Academy. and thank you in advance for all your help!
From The Education Manager
by Paula Bostick (1) Bring your AGD Membership card to all PACE
approved courses so that when providers submit the
e Have Arrived! It’s been a long course information to the AGD, you can automatically
time coming but we have finally receive credit.
Warrived! With the recent approval (2) If the CE provider is CERP approved and issues a
of the NYSAGD transcript by the New York Course Completion Certificate, members can submit the
State Board of Dentistry, our organization form directly to AGD via fax (fastest processing - 312-335-
can move forward with all confidence in 3432), mail (AGD, Attn: CE Entry, 211 East Chicago Avenue,
bringing the most exciting courses available Ste 900, Chicago, IL 60611), or e-mail (
in dentistry. (3) The course completion form should have the fol-
Our Fall and Winter line-up will cover lowing information when submitting to the AGD.
topics that can be immediately applied in
the practice. This year, the Empire State Masters • Your Full Name
Program has selected TM Disorders for their two days, • AGD Number
hands-on program. • CE Provider Name
We strongly encourage our members to support our • Course Date
continuing education efforts. We have all the ingredients • Course Subject Code
necessary to satisfy your mandatory and higher learning • Title of Course and Instructor Name
needs. We’ve also made changes to our courses to make • Hours (actual number of hours spent in the course)
them more interesting and fun such as raffles, give- • Course Location (city and state)
aways, and inviting vendors that we think can best serve This information will ensure that you receive the
our membership. proper credits and that your transcript is accurate.
Now that the AGD transcript is approved, members We are forecasting an increase in attendance at our
are reminded to report all continuing education to the upcoming courses. Please invite your colleagues and
AGD to receive credit. Here are some helpful tips to bring your staff to our course. Thank you in advance for
ensure that your AGD transcript is always updated when your continued support!
you attend a course: | Fall 2009 | GP 27