Page 26 - GP FALL 2009
P. 26
From The President…continued from page 4 From The President-Elect…continued from page 4
your patients about recalls, appointment confirma- and encourage young dentists and if I can help them avoid
tions, and more. Again, more details can be found on the same problems I faced, I will consider it time well
the AGD website. spent.
Lastly, if you haven’t heard yet, we are excited to Why did I join the Board? The key was that I was
announce that NYS Board of Dentistry now accepts ASKED. Yes, I was ready. It was a difficult time for me
the AGD transcript as an official document for contin- and I was looking for a new way to do things. But I still
uing education. So this transcript can give you peace would not have joined the Board unless I was asked.
of mind in case you are ever audited - yet another Let me ask you, why are you a member of the AGD?
membership benefit that is PRICELESS. What is it you want from your organization? How can we
I hope you will consider spreading the news of how best help you? Do you have any interest in participating
your AGD membership is indeed PRICELESS. (no experience required)? Please tell us your answers to
these questions. We are VERY interested. Send me an e-
mail at
Lastly, have you asked any dentists who are not mem-
bers to become a member of the AGD? What are you wait-
Help us Protect and ing for? You may be able to impact a colleague’s life more
profoundly than you realize and in the process you will
Conserve our Precious gain as much, if not more. The AGD is more than member
Environment! benefits. More than education. More than socializing with
other professionals. More than image. More than advoca-
cy for the general dentist. It’s ALL of THIS and MORE.
If you would like us to send your future copies of
GP, the Journal of the NYS Academy of General
Dentistry, via email and help us protect earth’s
precious natural resources, please send us an
email at with subject “GP” and
say, “Go Green!” Endorsed Administrators, Inc.
E J.J. Jerome Associates, Inc.
Be A Great Dentist!
Be A Green Dentist! Phone: (888) 3 NYSAGD
C Fax: (888) 369-7243
(631) 665-2448
N NYSAGD Endorsed Insurance Representative
We have been serving professionals
A for over 80+ years.
I need insurance:
o Disability Insurance
R o Catastrophe Major Medical
o Medicare Supplement
o Long Term Care
o Primary Health Insurance
U o Overhead Expense Insurance
o Life Insurance
o Accidental Death &
S o Office General Liability, Property,
State Workers’ Comp/DBL,
ERISA Bonds & Umbrellas
N Eligibility
o Insurance Review
Age and underwriting eligibility
I requirements vary with each program. | Fall 2009 | GP 26