Page 22 - GP FALL 2010
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                                 THE PRACTICE GIVE-AWAY!

                                      By Berdj Feredjian, DDS, FAGD and Katherine Feredjian

        Unfortunately,  the  following  scenario  off that would have been created by your  preparing  the  patients  for  your  eventual
        plays  out  year  after  year  throughout  the  decrease in clinical time.   retirement.
        entire dental community.  It goes like this:
                                             Enjoying  more  free  time  and  seeing  the  Eventually  you  are  sincerely  considering
        Years ago, you decided it was time to bring  practice continue to grow, you were even  retirement  and  the  time  finally  comes  to
        an associate into your practice. You inter-  more convinced that the associate was the  talk  seriously  to  the  associate  about  pur-
        viewed  candidates  until  you  met  the  perfect addition to the practice. You were  chasing  your  practice.  You  reveal  to  the
        “ideal”  associate  for  your  practice.  Of  very  pleased  with  his  attitude,  his  work  associate what you think a fair price and
        course,  you  didn’t  know  whether  or  not  habits, his desire to learn, his overall treat-  terms should be. At this point in the rela-
        “things  would  work  out”,  so  you  both  ment of the patients and his great relation-  tionship you have a very rude awakening.
        decided it would be best to work together  ship  with  the  staff  and  the  patients. You
        for a while without a formal contract. The  became increasingly sure that the associate  The  associate  tells  you  that  he  may  be
        cost of a contract seemed unnecessary at  was  the  right  buyer  for  your  practice.  In  interested in buying your practice, but only
        this point and anyway, you are both pro-  fact, it was even more than that. You were  on his terms and at his price. He goes on to
        fessionals, what is there to worry about?  out-and-out proud of your ability to select  explain that he really would only be buy-
                                             such a great “heir apparent”.        ing your practice out of “the goodness of
        Everyone really liked this young doctor and                               his heart” anyway since he does not have
        bringing in the new associate immediately  For  whatever  reason  (typically  because  of  to buy your practice because of the follow-
        served to be a perfect boost to your practice.  informal past chats with your associate), one  ing reasons:
        The  associate  was  quite  comfortable  with  day you decided that the timing was right to
        the working arrangement. After all, he did  have a discussion with your associate about  He already has a relationship with all his
        not  have  to  go  into  debt  to  get  a  practice  having  a  formal  agreement  drawn  up  that  patients and does not have to buy that part
        started  (like  you  once  did).  If  the  practice  would  clarify  your  working  relationship.  of the practice (you can’t sell the associate
        failed to make money, he did not lose any of  However,  you  were  surprised  to  discover  his own patient goodwill). These patients
        his personal funds (like you could). No risk,  that the associate was not enthusiastic about  don’t really know you and will follow the
        no  pressure  and  no  practice  management  the idea. He told you he felt that everything  associate to a new office.
        responsibility made this arrangement a per-  was running smoothly and he loved it there,
        fect  situation  for  the  associate. And  since  so why bother with an expensive contract to  He knows that if you should quit practic-
        you still owned your practice and you were  say  what  they  both  knew  was  destined  to  ing, many of your patients will transfer to
        still “in control”, you were comfortable with  happen  anyway?  He  reassured  you  by  the associate if he opens a new office near-
        the arrangement as well.             telling you that the two of you were on the  by. He can simply send a notice to all the
                                             exact same page about him buying the prac-  patients  of  the  practice,  not  just  his  own
        Things  could  not  have  been  better.  You  tice when you were ready to sell. You were  (don’t be naive - the associate already has
        began to take a little more time off without  reasonably happy with this verbal commit-  a list of all the patients by now).
        losing  money  because  of  the  profits  you  ment  and  since  everything  was  running  He realizes that it is very unlikely that any-
        were making off of the associate’s produc-  smoothly, you soon forgot about a written  one  else  will  buy  your  practice  because
        tion. Your associate was getting busier and  contract. After all, why rock the boat? Your  they will fear that the associate will move
        the  practice  was  steadily  growing.  New  clinical  time  was  down  and  your  income  down  the  street  and  take  most  of  the
        patient flow was increasing. The associate  was up; you still “owned” the practice and  patients  with  him  (and  probably  most  of
        was attracting patients from his generation  you were “in control”.       the staff as well). The fact is your practice
        so  younger  patients  were  beginning  to                                has  very  little,  if  any  value,  to  anyone
        come back into your practice. Your exist-  What you did not realize, however, is that  other than the associate.
        ing patients really liked the associate a lot  you may have still own the equipment and
        and,  for  the  most  part,  did  not  seem  to  perhaps  the  building,  but  your  associate  He either knows or at least has a good idea
        mind that you were not in the practice as  was gaining ownership over your practice!  that the staff will follow him. They need
        much as you used to be. It didn’t bother                                  job security. They know you would like to
        you when you realized that you and your  The value of a practice is in the relation-  retire. They also know that if the associate
        staff  were  referring  to  your  associate  as  ship between the doctor and the patients,  leaves,  many  patients  will  also  leave.
        your partner, even though he really was not  not  the  equipment  and  facility.  When  Either your retirement would force them to
        a partner and you still “owned” the prac-  patients see two doctors working together,  seek employment elsewhere. A severe loss
        tice and were “in control”.          they generally perceive the new doctor as  of patients would also suggest layoffs. The
                                             a  “partner.”  The  associate  is  usually  future is uncertain. If the associate leaves,
        As more time went by and the associate’s  younger  than  the  practice  owner  is,  so  they know they would have long-term job
        speed  improved,  you  began  to  take  even  patients  think  this  new  doctor  will  ulti-  security and a constant paycheck.
        more time off. You took up golf and also  mately take over their treatment when the
        began to hunt and fish again. Appearing to  current  owner  retires.  This  perception  is  He realizes he is a prime position to “nego-
        have unending energy, your associate easi-  probably even promoted by the associate  tiate” a great deal for himself. He will feel
        ly picked up the potential production drop-  and perhaps even the staff as a means of  that he can set the practice price and terms
                                                                                                   continued on page 24 | Fall 2010 | GP 22
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