Page 26 - GP FALL 2010
P. 26

From the Executive Director

         by Steven Eichberg                                    If you would purchase this as a stand-alone product, you would
                                                               have to pay up to $5000.00.  But the Academy provides this as
                         Use Your Member Benefits.  They are there  one of the perks of your membership dues.  For complete infor-
                         to Save You Time and Money.           mation, go to and search for “Patient Alerts”.  You
                                                               will be glad you did.
                         We know that most organizations offer simi-  Professional Liability Insurance - In today’s world, you know this
                         lar  member  benefits  and  you  have  told  us  is something you can not operate without.  Dentist’s Advantage is
                         through recent surveys that they are impor-  now even more competitive when compared to other companies
                         tant.  But they are not one of the top 5 reasons  out in the market.  You owe it to yourself to get a quick quote to
                         you  belong  to  the  Academy.    However,  I  see where you stand and you would be surprised that it will actu-
                         believe what the Academy offers you can and  ally pay to switch!  You comparison shop all the time - why not
                         will pay for your membership.  Here’s how!
                                                               do it for the protection you need.  Just go to and
         Patient Alerts - This absolutely fabulous program provides you,  search for “Dentist’s Advantage”.  You will be glad you did.
         working with over 14 different office software management sys-  Career Center - If you are a recent graduate or finishing your res-
         tems, a FREE program to reach out to your patients for reminders,  idency program, the Academy offers a great Career Center to help
         appointments, birthdays, and more by email, mail and even text  you jump start to practice.  Place your resume on the web for free
         messages!  Members who have used it love it and you will too!  and search for open positions around the country.  Also, check out
         Currently Patient Alerts integrates with the following office soft-  the NYSAGD’s Transition to Practice which you will find on our
         wares:                                                web site,, giving you great ideas as you move
         ABELDent          EasyDental        OrthoTrac         forward - from job search to marketing and licensing in New York
         Computer Age      EZ2000            Practice-Web      State.  You will be glad, once again, you did.
         DentiMax          MOGO              PracticeWorks
         Dentrix           OpenDent          SoftDent          There are many other benefits just waiting for you to take advan-
         EagleSoft         OrthoII           Three Star        tage of.  Don’t wait - go to either the AGD or NYSAGD website
                                                               to see how you can save money today!
         From the Education Manager

         by Paula Bostick                                      Mastership Requirements
                                                               [1] Current AGD member ship in good standing.
                        Fellowship  and  Mastership:  The  Road  to  [2] A dental license that has not been suspended or revoked within the
                        Excellence                             last five years and is not currently under probation, suspension, or revo-
                        The current economy has impacted the profession  [3] Fellowship in the Academy of General Dentistry.
                        of  dentistry  and  dentists  around  the  country  are  [4] 1100 hours of FAGD/MAGD approved continuing education. At least
                        struggling to make end meets.  A good way to stay  400 hours must be in participation courses and at least 600 hours must be
                        competitive  is  to  keep  current  on  the  latest  tech-  in specific disciplines.  Participation hours can be earned at any time dur-
                        niques and procedures that have streamlined many  ing membership with an implementation date of January 1, 2007.
                        of the old ways dentistry has been practiced.  [5] Attendance at an AGD convocation ceremony, held during an AGD
                        The Academy has long been a good source to help  annual meeting, to receive the award.  Successful candidates are allowed
                        our members achieve the highest level of education  three years following approval to complete this requirement.
        so that even through the tough times, they would be able to find innova-
        tive ways to keep things moving along.                 Mastertrack
                                                               New York State is proud to be one the AGD Constituents to offer our
        One  of  the  greatest  assets  the  Academy  offers  its  members  are  the  members the opportunity to participate in the Mastertrack program.  The
        Fellowship and Mastership Awards.  These awards are professional des-  program  is  a  series  of  lectures,  participations,  and/or  on-site/in-office
        ignations within the AGD that reflects a general dentist’s ongoing com-  protocol courses. A protocol course is a combination of on-site and in-
        mitment to provide quality care through continuing education. Here is a  office courses. They are typically hands-on work with models, devices,
        brief overview of each designation.                    and patients.  The program concludes with a presentation of case studies
                                                               by  each  participant  to  his/her  peers.  Every  year  since  2002,  our  local
        Fellowship Requirements                                Mastertrack  Committee  sought  to  find  the  best  clinicians  around  the
         [1] Current AGD membership for three continuous years by December  country to bring to New York to ensure that the attendees get the most up-
        31 of the year of the convocation for which application is made, to begin  to-date information on a particular subject.
        no earlier than the month of dental school graduation.
        [2] A dental license that has not been suspended or revoked within the last  For  additional  requirements,  please  visit  the  AGD  web  site  at
        five years and is not currently under probation, suspension, or revocation. For information on our upcoming fall Masters Program,
        [3] 500 hours of approved continuing education.        you can visit our web site at
        [4] Passing the Fellowship Exam.
        [5] Attendance at an AGD convocation ceremony, held during an AGD  I hope our members view these awards as valuable assets in their dental
        annual meeting, to receive the award.  Successful candidates are allowed  profession.  Who wouldn’t want to become a Master in their chosen field
        three years following approval to complete this requirement.   and have the advanced knowledge needed to better serve and deliver?

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