Page 23 - GP FALL 2010
P. 23


                                                  By Howard J. Kirschner, DDS

            I recently attended a lecture given by  After the first month, the patient is rec-  The kit includes the following:
         Dr. V. Kim Kutsch, founder and CEO of  ommended  to  use  CariFree  Maintenance
         the  Oral  BioTech  Corporation,  manufac-  Rinse,  which  does  not  require  mixing.  (1) A box of Xyli-Tots Oral Wipes - Makes
         turer of CariFree caries control solutions.  This  product  contains  xylitol  and  0.05%  it easy to clean on the go while creating a
         His  concept  is  that  caries  develop  from  sodium  fluoride  to  neutralize  the  acidic  healthy oral environment with xylitol and
         biofilm  on  teeth.    Dr.  Kutsch  has  devel-  oral pH.  This rinse is available in citrus  elevated pH+ technology.  These are avail-
         oped a full line of products (patent pend-  and mint flavors.            able  in  flavors  of  “Grape  Giggles”  or
         ing) designed to reduce acidity in the oral  The CariFree line also includes a xyli-  “Watermelon Wiggles.”
         cavity,  thereby  selecting  against  the  tol-containing spray called CariFree Boost
         microorganisms in the biofilm that flourish  Mouth Spray.  This spray changes the oral  (2) Flavored Xyli-Tots Mouth Spray - It is
         in an acidic environment.           pH to basic.  It is to be used after meals,  xylitol-rich,  neutralizes  the  mouth  after
            At the heart of the treatment protocol is  with two or three sprays into the mouth.  It  eating, and is safe to swallow.
         a hand-held device, the CariScreen, which  is especially effective with patients suffer-
         measures the adenosine tri-phosphate (ATP)  ing from xerostomia.         (3) Xyli-Tots Lollies - Permit the toddler to
         by  bioluminescence,  expressed  as  a  Xerostomia  is  a  symptom  caused  by  lick away decay with this 0.5 gram xylitol
         Relative Light Unit (RLU) as an indicator  over  3000  medications  (list  available  on  lollipop, available in assorted flavors.
         of caries susceptibility.  This device requires  CariFree website).  The CariFree product
         that the dentist swab the lingual surface of  line includes Oral Neutralizer Gum, con-  (4) Xyli-Tots Tooth Gel (toothpaste) - The
         the  un-brushed  lower  anterior  teeth  only,  taining xylitol and pH+ technology (patent  ultimate  product  for  toddlers.  It  is  grape
         avoiding the gingiva.  The dentist then acti-  pending), to be used up to five times daily  flavored and combines the proven benefits
         vates the enzyme-filled swab, shakes it for  in order to stimulate salivary flow, which  of xylitol with the neutralizing pH+ tech-
         ten seconds, then inserts the swab into the  increases pH and promotes a healthy bio-  nology.    It  contains  no  fluoride  and  is
         RLU  meter  to  obtain  a  reading  of  the  film.    Dentists  might  consider  this  as  an  therefore safe to swallow.
         patient’s caries susceptibility number.  alternative  to  prescribing  Pilocarpine,
            The treatment protocol is to reduce the  which may have possible drug interactions  The CariFree Xyli-Tots Juniors Kit con-
         susceptibility  number,  beginning  with  the  with  the  patient’s  other  medications.  tains  all  of  the  above  products  except  the
         use of an Oral Neutralizing Gel applied with  However, the use of the gum avoids these  wipes but does contain Xyli-Tots Anti-cavity
         a toothbrush.  This product raises the pH to  potential medical complications.  Rinse.  Designed to promote healthy bio-film
         basic levels and is completely non-abrasive.  The concept of caries disease treatment  development and limit the growth of decay-
         It  combines  the  benefits  of  xylitol  with  requires that the dentist diagnose the major  causing  bacteria,  it  is  available  in  Grape
         CariFree’s patent-pending pH+ technology.  contributing  factor  that  is  responsible  for  Giggles  and Watermelon Wiggles.    It  con-
         [It  cannot  legally  be  called  “toothpaste”  one’s caries.  The dentist determines patient’s  tains 3 grams of xylitol per swish and 0.05%
         because the FDA monograph for dentifrice  caries susceptibility by completing a Caries  neutral sodium fluoride, with the pH+ tech-
         is acidic and abrasive.]  This pH neutraliz-  Risk Assessment  Form.   This  is  known  as  nology to neutralize cavity-causing acids.
         ing gel is basic and non-abrasive.  CAMBRA — Caries Management By Risk      A word of caution - Xylitol is danger-
            For severe cases, a pH neutralizing gel  Assessment.  There are two forms available –  ous if ingested by animals/pets.
         called CariFree pHluorigel is recommend-  one for toddlers to age six and another for  Dr. Kutsch reported in his lecture that
         ed.  It combines the anti-caries benefit of  older children and adults.  an  ongoing,  large-scale  study  in
         5,000 ppm of sodium fluoride with a ther-  One of the primary risk factors for caries  Queensland, Australia is expected to pro-
         apeutic dose of xylitol.  This product con-  is sipping sugary liquids throughout the day.  duce results supporting the effectiveness of
         tains the most powerful anti-caries thera-  For  example,  when  an  athlete  drinks  an  the  CariFree  treatment  protocol  for  the
         peutics  for  an  all-in-one,  prescription  “energy boosting” beverage or when a stu-  detection,  treatment,  and  prevention  of
         strength,  cavity-fighting,  powerhouse.    It  dent sips soda all day long.  The acidic con-  dental caries.  Dentists must think of caries
         may be used in a custom tray appliance for  dition that results promotes cariogenic bac-  as  a  treatable  disease.    The  CariFree
         increased exposure and effectiveness.  This  teria and leads to net mineral loss from the  Company provides the armamentarium for
         product is similar to others presently avail-  enamel.    It  is  recommended  that  dentists  the dentist to do so.
         able commercially but without their acidi-  apply CariFree fluoride varnish to the enam-  “There is no dentistry better than no den-
         ty and/or abrasiveness.             el with periodic frequency, depending on the  tistry.”  Dr. John Kois, DMD, MSD
            The  patient  is  also  instructed  to  rinse  degree of caries susceptibility.  CariFree flu-  **  The  views,  opinions  and  recommenda-
         twice daily for the first month with CariFree  oride varnish is a mixture of 5% sodium flu-  tions expressed in this article are those of
         Treatment Rinse, designed to treat the cario-  oride in a resin carrier, dispensed in single-  the respective authors and are not necessar-
         genic biofilm in plaque to reduce the over-  use  dose  applications.    This  same  enamel  ily  endorsed  by  the  Academy  of  General
         population of cariogenic bacteria and to neu-  varnish also effectively treats patients with  Dentistry or the New York State Academy of
         tralize the oral pH.  This product comes in  cervical/root sensitivity or decay.  General  Dentistry.    The  publication  of  an
         two bottles with a small cup for the patient  The CariFree Company also provides a  advertisement in the GP does not indicate
         to mix 5 cc from each bottle.  This product  complete  line  of  products  specifically  an endorsement of products or services.
         contains  sodium  hypochlorite,  which  kills  designed  for  toddlers  and  pre-schoolers
         the  microorganisms  in  the  biofilm,  and  under  the  age  of  5  called  CariFree  Xyli-
         tastes like swimming pool water.    Tots Littles Kit.

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