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                    The Award Winning Journal
                  of the New York State Academy of
                       General Dentistry                    A Helping Hand by Seung-Hee Rhee, DDS, FAGD
              222 Mamaroneck Avenue, Suite PH,                 t  is  Saturday,  July  10,  time she got up the nerve to speak in front of over
                  White Plains, NY 10605                       2010.  The place is New  250 representatives of the AGD.  Not many peo-
            Tel:  914-683-1139    Fax:  914-683-1345        IOrleans,  Louisiana.    It  ple knew but she was terrified of public speaking.
                       is 6:00 in the morning and  She  almost  lost  courage  and  went  back  to  her
             Seung-Hee Rhee, DDS, FAGD – Editor
           Michael Steinberg, DDS – Associate Editor        already  it  is  sweltering.  seat.  But then she remembered the previous day,
             Steven Eichberg – Executive Director           The  sun  is  barely  up  but  as she sat nervously at the head table as a first
              Paula Bostick - Education Manager             you  can  already  feel  the  time  member  of  the  Reference  Committee,
                                                            heavy  moisture  in  the  air  addressing the issues at hand with hundred pairs
                2010-2011 Executive Council                 and  the  beads  of  sweat  of  eyes  staring  at  her.    How  as  her  name  was
                                             ready to race down your back.  It is going to be  introduced, her colleagues from NY gave a loud
         President – Ira Levine, DDS, FAGD   another hot day.                     cheer in support, letting her know that there are
         111 North Central Park Avenue, Suite 280, Hartsdale, NY 10538  In this unfavorable condition, a race is about to  friends out there.  She also remembered an advice
                                             start. It’s the AGD Foundation 5k Fun Run/Walk  given  to  her  by  Jay  Orlikoff,  Past  President  of
         President-Elect – Muhammed Kasem, DDS, MAGD
         479 Bay Ridge Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11209  (that’s about 3.3 miles to you and me).   It is an  NYSAGD.  When she confided in him about her
                                             annual charity event where participants enjoy a run,  fear  of  public  speaking,  he  told  her  what  Jerry
         Vice President – Louis Bartimmo, DMD  a  jog  or  a  walk  while  supporting  the  Seinfeld  said  on  the  subject.  According  to
         535 Plandome Rd., Manhasset, NY  11030-1961  AGD Foundation in its mission to advance the oral  Seinfeld, more people are afraid of public speak-
                                             health of the public and support the efforts of gen-  ing than they are of dying (that did not help her).
         Treasurer – Berry Stahl, DDS
         4424 Third Avenue, Bronx, NY 10457  eral dentists. About 150 people – runners, volun-  So it is more terrifying to deliver the eulogy than
                                             teers,  supporters  –  gathered  not  too  far  from  the  to  be  the  subject  of  the  eulogy  (that  made  her
         Secretary – Sheri Glazer, DDS       banks  of  the  mighty  Mississippi  River  for  this  laugh).   Jay advised her to practice and also to
         260 Middle Country Road, Suite 202, Smithtown, NY 11787  event.   You see the young and old, fit and not-so-  select a friend in the audience on the left side and
                                             fit, smiling faces all around.  Some are anxious to  a friend on the right side and speak directly to
         Editor – Seung-Hee Rhee, DDS, FAGD  start.  Others are ready to enjoy a leisurely run at  them.  He said that it was the same advice given
         286 Madison Avenue, Suite 500, New York, NY 10017
                                             their own pace.   And they are off!   It is a double  to  him  by  Howard  Glazer,  Past  President  of
         National Trustee – John C. Comisi, DDS, FACD, FAGD  loop run which means they will run along the banks  AGD/NYSAGD.  He also told her that if she is
         2333 N. Triphammer Rd., Suite 304, Ithaca, NY 14850  of Mississippi, make a turn, run back towards the  ever scared to speak at a meeting, he would be
                                             finishing line, and repeat.  As predicted, the condi-  honored if she chose him to be the one she looked at.
         Regional Director – Abe Dyzenhaus, DDS, FAGD  tions are grueling.  After the first loop, all the run-  As she remembered these things, she smiled
         84-09 35 Avenue, Jackson Heights, NY 11372
                                             ners are covered in sweat.   Everyone grabs a cup of  and stepped up to the microphone and had her say
         Immediate Past President – Janice Pliszczak, DDS, MS,  water from the watering stand and also gets cheers  in front of 250 people.  Despite her nervousness,
         MBA, MAGD                           and encouragements as a bonus.  But in 13 minutes  she noted that many people clapped in support of
         4525 W. Seneca Turnpike, Syracuse, NY 13215  and  46  seconds,  we  have  our  first  winner.  what  she  had  to  say  and  that  yes,  there  were
                                             Predictably, it is one of our military personnel.  Dr.  indeed many friends among the crowd.
                   Area Vice Presidents
                                             Loren  Masuoka  of Army AGD  takes  first  place.  My  mom  used  to  tell  me  that  if  our  hands
         Region I – Manhattan                The  first  female  to  cross,  Dr.  Chirsty  Kirk,  also  were as hard working as our eyes, we would get
         Benjamin Godder, DMD – (212)750-3478  takes third place overall at 14.42.  more things done.  She is right – our eyes do see
         Tony D. Wu, DDS, FAGD – (212)682-0888  Then something wonderful happened.   Many  everything but our hands don’t do everything that
                                             who already finished the race, instead of resting  they should.  But it is the hands that move the
         Region II – Brooklyn/ Staten Island
         Henry Amen, DDS -   (718)836-7612   or replenishing, went back into the race despite  world.  It is the hands that lend support to a friend
         Michael Steinberg, DDS – (718)743-6680    the  horrid  conditions.      Some  young  men  and  in need.  It is the hands that wipe away tears and
                                             women went back to help their friends sprint to  fix scraped knees on a child.  It is the hands that
         Region III – Albany/Monticello/Kingston   the finish to make better time, yelling encourage-  clapped and typed an email that lent courage for
         Edmise Forestal, DDS – (347)563-0146  ments like drill sergeants.  Some went back to run  a dentist to get over her fear of public speaking.
                                             alongside their family and friends.  Others went  It is the hands of Dr. Fabiola Milord that helped
         Region IV – Schenectady/Northern Tier
         Marshall Price, DDS – (518)356-0077  back  to  lend  their  support,  both  physically  and  relieve so much pain and suffering in Haiti as you
                                             mentally, to those who may not be as fast as they  will read in this issue of GP.  As dentists, we are
         Region V – Syracuse/Utica           once used to be.  A smile spread across a strug-  frequently  thanked  by  our  patients  for  helping
         Janice Pliszczak, DDS, MS, MBA, MAGD – (315)469-3229  gling, elderly gentleman’s face as a young col-  them.  But too often, we in turn forget to thank
                                             league came alongside to run the last mile with  those who help us in our every day, to make what
         Region VI – Binghamton/Elmira
         Joseph Jaen, DDS, FAGD – (607)723-9391  him.   As the two men ran together, their steps  we do possible and lend us a helping hand, even
                                             seem  lighter  than  it  was  just  a  few  moments  without us asking them to.  They are our families,
         Region VII – Rochester              before.   Things are always a little easier with a  our loved ones, our hard working staff.  They are
         Teresa Skalyo, DDS, FAGD – (585) 797-4579  friend  by  your  side.   And  one  by  one,  they  all  our dedicated members of the NYSAGD.  Let us
                                             cross the finish line.               remember to take the time to say “thank you” to
         Region VIII – Buffalo/Niagara/Jamestown
         Nicholas Rodo, DDS, MAGD – (716)675-2900  Flash back a few days.  The place is a large  all those wonderful helping hands that guide and
                                             ballroom at Hilton Riverside Hotel that has been  support us each and every day.   And Jay, thanks
         Region IX –                         converted to host the House of Delegates for the  - it worked!
         Westchester/Rockland/Orange/Putnam/Dutchess   AGD.  The HOD is in full swing and a delegate
         Ira Levine, DDS, FAGD – (914)997-2775  from NY is nervously standing in line at one of
                                             the microphones for a chance to speak.  Although
         Region X – Nassau
         Joel Goldenberg, DDS, FAGD – (516)561-0957  it is not her first time at the HOD, it is the first
         B.K. Verma, DDS, FICOI, FAGD – (718)699-8268
                                             GP – The Journal of the New York State Academy of General Dentistry is published twice a year by the
         Region XI – Queens                  New York State Academy of General Dentistry.  The issues are mailed out in March and September to all the
         James  Keenan, DDS, MAGD – (718)474-4075  members of the New York State Academy of General Dentistry.  All correspondence should be addressed to
         Arthur Volker, DDS, FAGD – (718) 937-6750  the Editor at 286 Madison Avenue, Suite 500, New York, NY 10017 or e-mailed to
         Region XII – Suffolk                The views, opinions and recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the respective
         Sheri Glazer, DDS – (631)361-3666   authors and are not necessarily endorsed by the Academy of General Dentistry.  The publication of an
         Jay Orlikoff, DDS, FAGD – (631)751-8222
                                             advertisement in GP – The Journal of the New York State Academy of General Dentistry does not indi-
                                             cate an endorsement of products or services.
         Region XIII - Bronx                                                  | Fall 2010 | GP 3
         Stephen Lowy, DDS – (845)354-5699
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