Page 5 - GP FALL 2010
P. 5

From the President-Elect

         by Muhammed Kasem, DDS, MAGD                          met  people  with  exceptional  talents  and  dedicated  leaders  who
                                                               devote their precious free time for the sake of professional excel-
                              t  the  AGD  Annual  Meeting  2010  in  lence such as Dr. Stanley Markovits, Dr. Stephen Akseizer, Dr.
                              New Orleans this past July, it was my  Kay Oen, Dr. Lawrence Bailey, Dr. Nathan Hershkowitz, and Dr.
                       Ahonor and privilege to receive the AGD  Janice  Pliszczak.    Their  encouragement  and  support  always
                       2010  Membershp  Award  for  the  New  York  inspired me.
                       State  Academy  of  General  Dentistry.  The  As  a  leader  of  the  organization,  my  philosophy  has  always
                       Award  was  presented  by AGD  President,  Dr.  been “Members First”. Members are the heart of the organization
                       David Halpern, DMD, FAGD.               and leaders should hear the voice of its members and reach out to
                          I was also proud to be a part in receiving  non-members as well.
                       the 2010 AGD Advocacy Award along with Dr.  I thank the Nominating Committee who gave me the opportu-
         Janice  Pliszczak,  Dr.  Ira  Levine,  Dr.  Nathan  Hershkowitz  and  nity to serve the NYSAGD over the years. My special thanks go
         other delegates from NYS.  On a personal note, I was also proud  to  my  friend  and  Past  President  of  NYSAGD,  Dr.  Nathan
         of myself on receiving the Award as one of the Top Recruiters in  Hershkowitz,  for  his  support.  Under  his  Chairmanship  of  the
         the Nation for AGD in 2009- 2010. Dr. Judy Ann Taylor was also  Nominating Committee, I was chosen to be the President-Elect of
         honored  with  the  Third  Place  in  Grassroots  Member  Recruiter  NYSAGD.  I  also  want  to  thank  the  other  members  of  the
         Category.    All  in  all,  New  York  State  Academy  of  General  Nominating Committee for their support and for giving me the
         Dentistry reaffirmed its status as a voice of General Dentistry.  opportunity  to  serve  the  New York  State Academy  of  General
           This is a time to celebrate our accomplishments. All this hap-  Dentistry.
         pened  because  of  the  wonderful  members  of  the  Executive  Finally,  I  congratulate  all  the  members  of  the  BOT,  the
         Council, Board of Trustee, and New York State AGD staff by their  Executive  Council  and  the  NYSAGD  Staff  for  receiving  2010
         dedication, volunteerism, and commitment to do better service to  AGD Awards in Advocacy, Membership, and Honorable Mention
         our public, our profession and our beloved Academy.   in CE Award of Excellence, for their selfless service and for ded-
           I commend our leaders’ unwavering commitment to our mutu-  icating their priceless time to bring such honor and distinction to
         al  goal  of  “Advancing  the  value  and  excellence  of  General  all the AGD dentists of New York State.
         Dentistry”.  Throughout  my  leadership  position  in  NYSAGD,  I  Peace be with you.

          From the Regional Director

                                                                  After the conclusion of the governance sessions, I stayed in
         by Abe Dyzenhaus, DDS, FAGD                            New Orleans to take some continuing education courses. Over the
                         H      ow was your 4th of July holiday?  years, I have satisfied my CE requirements for NY and the AGD
                                                                by taking CE courses given by the AGD and the NYSAGD. There

                            Normally  the  July  4 th  holiday  is  spent  are many CE organizations in the dental market now as opposed
                                                                to years ago and I have taken courses not given by an AGD group.
                         with family and friends at a barbeque, at the  But I always try to take an AGD, PACE approved provider course
                         beach, or at a park. I spent my July 4 th  holi-  so that the credits will go towards my MAGD, just as it did for my
                         day in New Orleans, with my wife, prior to  FAGD.
                         the AGD annual meeting.                  Next year, the AGD Annual Meeting will be held in San Diego
                            On Saturday, we took a city bus tour and  prior to the July 4 th  holiday.  It will be June 26 - 28, 2011. San
         on Sunday, we went to brunch with our friends at Commander’s  Diego is one of the nicest places on this planet.  The weather is
         Palace, one of New Orleans’ finer restaurants.  Then we took a  always beautiful. You may think it’s too early to think about next
         walking tour of the Garden District, the neighborhood where the  year. You may be right.  But put the dates on your calendar and
         restaurant was located, and the homes were magnificent.   think about it in early spring 2011.
            Now you may be wondering why I am telling you this.  Well,  I hope to see you in San Diego.  Maybe we’ll sit next to each
         that weekend was a prelude to the week spent in New Orleans at  other at one of the courses.  Or maybe I’ll see you at a NYSAGD
         the AGD Annual  Meeting. The  first  three  days  of  the  meeting  continuing education course.  And thank you for your member-
         were spent in governance, such as the Regional Directors Meeting  ship in the AGD and your continued support of this fine organi-
         and the House of Delegates. Business is conducted during these  zation.
         meeting but also in the hallways and in the evening at the recep-
         tions  and  the  dinners. And  let  me  emphasize  the  dinners  -  the
         restaurants in New Orleans are terrific.

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