Page 6 - GP FALL 2010
P. 6
The 2010 Meritorious Service Award
Dr. Stanley Markovits, DDS, MAGD
Presentation of Meritorious Service Award to Dr. Stanley Markovits, DDS, MAGD by his son,
Dr. Gary Markovits, DDS, FAGD, PLLC.
I have been given the honor of presenting my partner, mentor, and father, Dr. Stanley
Markovits, DDS, MAGD, with this year’s NYSAGD Meritorious Service Award. Though
it was about four years ago, it seems like yesterday that I was standing before this acad-
emy presenting dad with the NYSAGD’s Life Time Achievement Award. Having
received a Life Time Achievement Award, we all thought he’d take the hint and slow
down. Well that didn’t happen. Though he did stop clinical practice over four years
ago, we, his family and those of you who know him, know that we NEVER use the
“R” word (retirement) when describing his current status. Why would we? The
fact is he hasn’t. He continues his work as a teacher, lecturer, writer, community
organizer, and of course as consigliere to many AGD councils and its members.
The NYSAGD’s Meritorious Service Award recognizes a member of the den-
tal community who has consistent-
ly served the NYSAGD by work- Dear Colleagues:
ing to enhance the image of general
dentistry through their leadership Audrey and I can’t thank you
within the Academy and through enough for letting us share the
areas of civic involvement. evening with the installation of our
Stan has been a NYSAGD board new officers. The affair was beauti-
member since 1962 when he was fully orchestrated which wasn’t a
appointed by then NYSAGD president, surprise knowing that Steve and
Dr. George Kudler, who founded the Paula made all the arrangements.
NYSAGD. Even in his executive role as past
president of both the state and national organiza- Audrey thanks you for her flowers
tion, he never lost sight of this academy’s mission which is to foster, support, and our new globe which is a won-
and reward the continuing education of the general dentist and by doing so derful gift. Now we can store our
improve the quality of care we bring to our patients. Together with my moth- thirty year old atlas and finally
er, Audrey, they have served this profession and this academy for more than locate so many new countries and
half a century with humility, dignity, honesty, and compassion. boundaries that exist now.
He is a Fellow of the American College of Dentistry, the International
College of Dentistry, the International Academy of Dentistry, the Academy of I find it embarrassing to receive
Continuing Education, and of course, the AGD in which he also earned his honors of this magnitude for taking
Mastership of which I know he is most proud. The NYSAGD and AGD had part in the Academy’s goals, objec-
previously recognized him with “The Distinguished Service Award”, “The tives, etc. even now in the twilight
Meritorious Service Award”, and “The Thaddeus V. Weclew Award”. years of my life. Thank you all for
Stan is active in local civic organizational work as well. A member of the letting me continue working with
White Plains Conservation Board, President of the North Street Civic you to better our patient care and
Association, and VP of the Glen Brook Homeowners Association, he contin- maintain our continued education at
ues to contribute to his community in ways that may not affect the dental pro- the quality it needs to be.
fession directly but serve as an example to others what this academy and its
members stand for.
It is with great honor and love that I present on behalf of the New York
State Academy of General Dentistry, this year’s Meritorious Service Award to
my father, Dr. Stanley Markovits.
Very sincerely,
“There was never another woman in our
marriage. Just AGD.” Audrey and Stanley Markovits
- Mrs. Audrey Markovits,
married 59 years to Dr. Stanley Markovits | Fall 2010 | GP 6