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GP                    SPRING 2019                               Your  involvement  enriches  your  profes-
                                             President’s Message
                                                                                  sional journey and contributes to our dental
                                        SPRING 2019
                                                                                  community’s strength and vitality.
                                             By Analia Veitz- Keenan DDS, FAGD
              The Journal of the                              Dear Members,       Additionally, I want to highlight the impor-
                                                                                  tance of advocacy for our profession and
           New York State Academy                             As we embark on a  protecting  the  general  dentistry  practice,
             of General Dentistry                             new  year  filled  with  for  which  NYSAGD  has  always  been  a
                                                              opportunities and chal-
          New York State Academy of General Dentistry         lenges,  I  am  honored
           19-02 Whitestone Expressway, Suite 204             to address each of you  But  also,  as  general  dentists,  we  play  a
                 Whitestone, NY 11357                         as  the  2024  President   crucial  role  in  promoting  oral  health  and
                Telephone: 718-747-3353                       of the New York State   well-being in our patients.
                   Fax: 718-747-3355
          To Contact the NYSAGD, visit our website   Academy of General Dentistry.  Let us unite in our efforts to raise aware-
                   at                                              ness about the value of the integral role that
          Janice Pliszczak, DDS, MS, MBA, MAGD   First and foremost, I want to express my   general dentistry plays in overall health.
                                             heartfelt  gratitude  for  your  unwavering
                       Editor                commitment to excellence in dental care,
             Analia Veitz-Keenan, DDS, FAGD     your  dedication  to  professional  develop-  As  we  navigate  the  ever-evolving  land-
                      Co-Editor              ment,  and  your  continued  support  of  our   scape  of  dentistry,  your  feedback  and  in-
                     Paula Bostick           Academy.  Your  contributions  are  what   sights  are  invaluable.  I  encourage  you  to
                    Executive Director       make  our  community  of  general  dentists   contact us with any suggestions, ideas, or
                                             truly exceptional.                   concerns you may have. Together, we can
                 2024 Executive Council                                           shape the future of our Academy and con-
                                                                                  tinue to elevate general dentistry standards
         President – Analia Veitz-Keenan, DDS, FAGD  In  the  coming  months,  we  are  excited  to   in New York.
         NYU College of Dentistry, 345 East 24  Street,   roll out a series of initiatives to advance our
         New York, NY  10010                 collective knowledge, foster collaboration,   Thank  you  for  your  continued  support.  I
         President-Elect – James Keenan, DDS, MAGD  and enhance our members’ overall experi-  look forward to a year filled with growth,
         NYU College of Dentistry, 345 East 24th Street,   ence. From original and cutting-edge edu-  collaboration, and success for every NYS
         New York, NY  10010                 cation  opportunities  and  the  continuously   Academy of General Dentistry member.
         Treasurer – Joseph DiDonato, III, DDS, MBA, FAGD  improving GP Journal to events facilitating
         680 South Avenue, Rochester, NY  14620  meaningful connections, we are committed   Wishing  you  a  prosperous  and  fulfilling
         Secretary – Katayoon Noroozi-Leibowitz, DDS   to  providing  you  with  the  resources  you   year ahead.
         NYU College of Dentistry, 345 East 24th Street,   need to thrive in your practice.
         New York, NY  10010                                                      For the good of the Academy,
         Editor – Janice Pliszczak, DDS, MS, MBA, MAGD  I encourage you to actively participate in
         4827 Broad Road, Syracuse, NY  13215  our  upcoming  events,  engage  with  your  Analia Veitz- Keenan DDS, FAGD
                                             fellow members, and take advantage of our  2024 President New York State Academy
         National Trustee – Ira Levine, DDS, MAGD
         111 North Central Park Avenue, Suite 208,    Academy’s wealth of knowledge.  of General Dentistry
         Hartsdale, NY  10538
         Regional Director – Seung-Hee Rhee, DDS, MAGD
         110 East 40  Street, New York, NY  10016  Mandated Reporter Training: Identifying And
         Immediate Past-President – Shahram (Sean) Shekib,   Reporting Child Abuse And Maltreatment
         2178 63  Street, Brooklyn, NY  11024
                                               Great News Members,

         GP – Journal of the New York State Academy of
         General Dentistry is published twice a year by   The New York AGD Group Benefits Committee and the President of the New York
         the New York State Academy of General Dentistry.   AGD has worked hard to help our members fulfill the newly “Mandated Reporter
         The issues are mailed out in March and September   Training for Child Abuse.” We have found access to a free course being offered by the
         to all the members of the New York State Academy    New York State Office of Children and Family Services. This 2 hour web-based on-
         of General Dentistry and are available on-line   line course will fulfill the requirements of the New York State Education Department
         at All correspondence should
         be addressed to the Editor at 19-02 Whitestone   of Professions. Updated training in Child Abuse must be completed by April 1, 2025.
         Expressway, Suite 204, Whitestone, NY 11357.
         The views, opinions and recommendations   We  value  your  membership  and  are  working  tirelessly  to  assist  in  every  way
         expressed in this publication are those of the   possible to our member's needs.
         respective authors and are not necessarily
         endorsed by the Academy of General Dentistry.
         Placement of an advertisement in GP – Journal   Thank you,
         of the New York State Academy of General   Angela DeBartolo, Group Benefits Chair
         Dentistry does not indicate an endorsement
         of its products or services by the Academy of   Please  go  to  the  New  York  State  Mandated  Reporter  Resource  Center  link
         General Dentistry.           for additional information.
                    ISSN 2770-2391

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