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Figure 4.  Initial intraoral and facial profile photographs of a 12-year-old male patient with a
                                           class II division 1 skeletal and dental malocclusion.
            Figure 2.  Initial intraoral and facial profile photographs of a 12-year-old male patient with a
            class II division 1 skeletal and dental malocclusion.
                                                                                 1. Munoz AM, Maino G, Lemler J, Kornbluth D.
                                                                                 Skeletal Anchorage for Class II Correction in a
                                                                                 Growing Patient. Journal of Clinical Orthodon-
                                                                                 tics 2009;43(5):325-31.
                                                                                 2. Gianelly,  A.A.; Bednar, J.B.; Cociani,  S.;
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                                                                                 clinical trial, in Orthodontic Treatment: Outcome
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           Figure 2.  Initial intraoral and facial profile photographs of a 12-year-old male patient with a
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           class II division 1 skeletal and dental malocclusion.                 ter for Human Growth and Development, Univ.
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                                                                                 5. Kirjavainen, M.; Kirjavainen, T.; and Haavik-
            Figure 3.  Final intraoral and facial profile photographs of a 14-year-old male patient with a class
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            II division 1 skeletal and dental malocclusion.                      use of an orthopedic cervical headgear in Class
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                                                                                 Stability  and relapse of mandibular anterior
                                                                                 alignment—First  premolar extraction  cases
                                           Figure 5.  Final intraoral and facial profile photographs of a 14-year-old male patient with a class
                                                                                 treated  by traditional  edgewise  orthodontics,
                                           II division 1 skeletal and dental malocclusion.
                                                                                 Am. J. Orthod 1981:80:349-65.
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                                                                                 tiveness of early orthopedic treatment with head-
                                           About the Author:                     gear: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur
                                           Dr. AnaMaria Munoz is a Diplomate, American Board of Orthodontics and is a Clinical Assistant
                                                                                 J Orthod 2017; 39: 176–87.
                                                                                 8. Casas Estivales X. Motivacion y cooperacion
                                           Professor in the Department of Orthodontics at New York University College of Dentistry.
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      Figure 3.  Final intraoral and facial profile                              9. Leung  MTC, Lee  TCK,  Rabie  ABM,
      photographs of a 14-year-old male patient   References:                    Wong RWK. Use of miniscrews and miniplates
           Figure 3.  Final intraoral and facial profile photographs of a 14-year-old male patient with a class
                                                                                 in orthodontics. JOMS 2008; 66:1461-66.
      with a class II division 1 skeletal and dental                             10. Bass, N.M.:  The aesthetic  analysis of the
           II division 1 skeletal and dental malocclusion.
      malocclusion.                        1. Munoz AM, Maino G, Lemler J, Kornbluth D. Skeletal Anchorage for Class II Correction in
                                                                                 face. Eur. J. Orthod. 1991; 13:343-50.
                                               a Growing Patient. Journal of Clinical Orthodontics 2009;43(5):325-31.
                                                                                 11. Gianelly,  A.A. and Dietz,  V.S.: Maxillary
                                                                                 arch  considerations in diagnosis  and treatment
                                                                                 planning, J. Clin. Orthod. 1982 16:168-72.
                                                                                              Dr.  AnaMaria Munoz is
                                                                                              a  Diplomate,  American
                                            Figure 5.  Final intraoral and facial profile     Board  of  Orthodontics
                                            photographs of a 14-year-old male patient         and is a Clinical Assistant
                                            with a class II division 1 skeletal and dental    Professor in  the  Depart-
                                            malocclusion.                                     ment of Orthodontics at
                                                                                              New York University Col-
                                                                                              lege of Dentistry.

      Figure 4.  Initial intraoral and facial profile photographs of a 12-year-old male patient with a class II division 1
      skeletal and dental malocclusion.
                                                                            l Spring 2024 l GP 7
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