P. 10
It’s really important that you stick to regular visual and physical inspections of
your fire extinguishers.
Visual inspections: these should be done on a monthly basis and by a
competent person. During visual inspections, pay particular attention to
things like:
Fire extinguishers
Where is the fire extinguisher placed? must be regularly
How easy is it to access?
Is it fully charged? maintained
Is both the pin and seal in place?
Is there any visible damage to any part(s) of the extinguisher?
Is the nozzle free from any blockages?
Physical inspections: your fire extinguishers should be serviced once a year
by a qualified and experienced technician. During this, they’ll lookout for
things like:
The condition of your fire extinguishers
The location, number, and type of your extinguishers.
They should also inform you of any deficiencies, recommend remedial work,
and provide you with a certificate so that you can demonstrate compliance
to enforcing authorities – should you need to.
Only trained and competent people should operate a fire
extinguisher, and when they do, P.A.S.S should be at the
forefront of their mind:
P.A.S.S must
Pull the pin from the top of the extinguisher to activate it
be followed Aim the extinguisher at the base of the fire to fight it
Squeeze the handle slowly – if you do it too quickly, the
when they shock and speed of diffusion could cause your hand to
are freeze to the tube
Sweep from side to side at the base of the fire.
in use
Even if you’re competent and trained to use a fire
extinguisher, if you don’t feel comfortable tackling the
situation at hand, don’t – and that message applies to
anyone who’s authorised to act in the event if a fire.
8 Learn Not to Burn DECEMBER 2020