P. 13
Two or more ensures More than half of
that employees, visitors, and house fires take
other people in the building place in homes that
will be able to get do not have fire
out quickly during an alarms, and mostly at night,
emergency. Additional fire resulting in a high number
exits may be necessary of deaths. It is easy
based to get trapped in the start of
on the building size, number a fire.
of occupants, and the EMERGENCY
arrangement of the interior LIGHTING
of the building. What is
important is that people can mergency lighting is
get out quickly and Edesigned to make sure
safely. The number and that in the event of
location of fire exits must be the normal power supply
sufficient to accomplish failing, illumination is
this. provided promptly,
FIRE ALARMS automatically and for
sufficient time. This will
fire alarm alerts you ensure that occupants of a
A when you are busy, building are able to
working or sleeping. evacuate safely in the event
You can therefore take of an emergency, such as a
action before major damage fire. When a fire alarm
takes place, thus saving you sounds without warning,
the cost of property loss- and fire starts to spread
also saving insurance throughout a building,
companies a lot of damage a sense of panic will
cost. often ensue.
11 Learn Not to Burn DECEMBER 2020