Page 14 - K2-M1 - History FB
P. 14

It  simply  means  that  your  frequencies  are

               different. What's great is that you can quite
               easily change these frequencies.

               There are many methods which have been

               developed over the years but, in my 45 years
               of  experience,    the  easiest  and  most
               effective one is the one I will present here:

               The F.R.E.E.D.O.M. Techniques.

               What  do  the  F.R.E.E.D.O.M.  Techniques
               consist of? Very simply, you will tap with the

               tips of your fingers on specific points on your
               face and body. That is the basic "recipe"!

               Is  that  too  simple?  If  you  had  asked  me,
               before  I  understood  and  experienced  the

               power of these techniques, I would have told
               you  that  it  sounded  totally  absurd...  and  I

               would  not  even  have  given  it  a  second

               How  could  tapping  on  some  spots  on  my

               body,  for  a  few  minutes,  produce  life
               changing transformations?

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