Page 18 - K2-M1 - History FB
P. 18

Austria and Northern Italy. Of interest in our

               story is that he seemed to have had tatooed
               points  on  his  body,

               some  of  which  on
               specific acupuncture

               points.        In       his
               belongings were also
               sharp  arrowheads,

               which  may  have  been  used  as  a  type  of
               acupuncture needles.


               This is how the story goes:

               “The  origin  of  acupuncture  is  shrouded  in

               Legend has it, that thousands of years ago a

               Chinese soldier developed a stiff and painful
               shoulder, what we would now call a frozen

               shoulder. He went to his doctor who despite
               his best efforts could not help him. So, the

               soldier gradually accepted the idea of living
               with the pain.

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