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            (TANZANIA) LTD

            VIASERVICE  serves  the  entire  logistics and  transport  chain  through  its  expertise  and  strategic
            partnerships, by driving innovative services and agnostic solutions, both addressing the
            digitalization and innovation needs of the “logistics of the future“. We offer disruptive solutions for
            the entire transportation industry, throughout the logistics chain, such as Container Guarantee
            solution, and other innovative products and services.

            Approximately ninety percent of the world’s goods are transported by sea. Considering the
            increasing importance of sea transport as main conveyor belt for goods, there are continuous efforts
            at global and other levels to ensure competitiveness of this mode. Key to this is ensuring that both
            the interests of the carriers (shipping lines) and sea transport users (freight forwarders and shippers)
            to ensure sustainable and competitive sea transport.

            With over 70% of the sea freight containerized, containers are predominantly very critical transport
            units. Therefore, for the supply chain to remain efficient and fluid, containers must be safeguarded
            and turned around  efficiently. Currently, the containers are delayed in return, damaged or lost
            while in hands of the transport users. This results in losses to shipping lines and inefficient
            transport logistics services and imposition of various requirements such as cash deposits which
            suppress the financial liquidity and competitiveness of the container user. This undermines the
            overall objective of trade facilitation.

            Container guarantee In East Africa, like in many other parts of the world, container deposit has been
            flagged as a trade barrier by both private and public sector at national and regional level.
            VIASERVICE provides a sustainable solution that addresses the concerns of both the carriers and
            the container users, the container guarantee.

            The solution is supported and hailed by all transport logistics and institutional stakeholders as a
            lasting cure for the container deposit trade barrier.

            Since last year, the solution is operational in Tanzania through which all the countries using the port
            of Dar es Salaam are served. Plans are underway to rollout the solution across Africa and in other
            parts of the world.
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