Page 2 - E - Modul Announcement X
P. 2


                   A.  Identitas Modul

               Author Name                Aisyah Hadi
               School Level               SMA

               Class                      X

               Fase                       E
               Subject                    Announcement Text

                   B.  Basic Competencies

                         Basic Competencies                              Basic Competencies
               3.5.  Membedakan  fungsi  sosial,  struktur  4.5.Teks pemberitahuan (announcement)
                    teks,  dan  unsur  kebahasaan  beberapa
                    teks     khusus      dalam      bentuk  4.5.1.  Menangkap  makna  secara  kontekstual
                    pemberitahuan (announcement), dengan            terkait  fungsi  sosial,  struktur  teks,  dan
                    memberi dan meminta informasi terkait           unsur  kebahasaan  teks  khusus  dalam
                    kegiatan   sekolah,   sesuai   dengan           bentuk pemberitahuan (announcement)
                    konteks penggunaannya
                                                            4.5.2.  Menyusun  teks  khusus  dalam  bentuk
                                                                    pemberitahuan  (announcement),  lisan  dan
                                                                    tulis,  pendek  dan  sederhana,  dengan
                                                                    memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks,
                                                                    dan  unsur  kebahasaan,  secara  benar  dan
                                                                    sesuai konteks

                   C.  Brief Description Of The Material
                       You've  certainly  read  or  heard  an  announcement,  right?  You  try  pay  attention  to  the
                       following expression. “Attention,  please!  I'd like to  inform  that …” and “May  I have
                       your  attention,  I  found  some  money  on  the  way  to  canteen.  Is  there  any  of  you  lost
                       some?.” When are these expressions used? Exactly right. These two expressions usually
                       used to make verbal announcements.
                       In this module you will be invited to practice being able to ask for and give information
                       related to special text in the form of announcements. To achieve Competency This basic
                       (KD) you need to read many models of announcement text (announcement), and answer
                       questions in the form of structured exercises, and then get used to them yourself to read
                       and  write  announcement  texts  in  everyday  life  your  environment.  To  find  out  your
                       learning  progress,  it  is  necessary  to  carry  out  an  assessment  Authentic  work  includes
                       performance in the form of essays which are then collected in respective portfolios.
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