Page 4 - E - Modul Announcement X
P. 4
A. Learning Objectives
After learning activity, students are expected to be able to:
a. Analyze the social function of special texts in the form of notifications
(announcement) about the purpose, benefits and impact of the text.
b. Analyzing special text structures in the form of notifications (announcements) about
informants in the text, ideas or ideas presented.
c. Analyze the linguistic elements of special texts in the form of notification
(announcement) about common vocabulary, verbs correctly in active and passive
forms, as well as prepositions for appropriate place and time.
d. Aistinguish some special texts in the form of notifications (announcement).
e. Capture special text in the form of a notification (announcement).
B. Material Description
Here you will read some written announcements. First let's practice understanding the
text to look for the main idea. Of course you still remember How to find the main idea
of a text? Good! However So let's repeat again how to find the main idea.
To find a general overview of a discourse you have to read the discourse quickly or at
a glance. For example, when you see an announcement, before reading it there is a
question in your mind "What is it about?" Then you read the announcement quickly.
The question was answered "English speech competition" without reading one by one
the text listed in the announcement. Apart from finding the main idea, this module will
also train you to think critically by doing high-level thinking exercises such as
analyzing and distinguishing the purpose and impact of the announcement.
So now let's try reading the following announcement and practice analyzing the social
function, text structure and linguistic elements of the announcement text by answering
questions related to the announcement.
Practice 1:
1. First, you will read silently to understand the announcement below. Make sure that
you know the meaning of every word and every part of the announcement. (Baca
dalam hati untuk memahami makna dari pengumuman)
2. Second, read out this text (text 1) loudly and meaningfully as if you are giving an
announcement and take a note on your notebook if you find some words that you do
not understand. Then consult the dictionary. If possible, record your voice. (Baca
dengan nyaring seolah-olah memberi pengumuman)