Page 108 - 2022 Annual Report 2022 FINAL
P. 108

Objective 4    Share expertise and thought leadership through round table discussions

                        Objective 5    Show off our success stories
               GOAL 4  Raise/Re-build FGMA's profile in the Higher Ed Community at a local and national level
                        increase visibility
                        Objective 1    Establish FGMA as an expert in Higher Ed in at least one building type within
                                       5 years

                        Objective 2    Present FGMA as an expert in trends in the field
                        Objective 3    Expand exposure of FGMA inside and outside Illinois

                        Objective 4    Continue to expose key staff and students to FGMA
                        Objective 5    Increase visibility/thought leadership through conferences, continuing
                                       education, and social media
                                       Research and share expertise/thought leadership with institutions to become
                                       trusted advisor and leader in the industry

                        Objective 6    Re-engage with previous, existing and potential new clients, positioning
                                       ourselves as leaders in current topics
                        Objective 7    Focus on individual contributions/interests to support Higher Ed

               GOAL 5  Grow the practice area/work
                        Objective 1    Increase depth of experience at all experience levels, rounding out the team
                                       Identify new Project Managers/Project Architects within and outside the
                                       Recruit talent with established relationships and expertise
                        Objective 2    Share expertise, identify overlaps or gaps in expertise as it relates to work we
                                       would like to pursue

                        Objective 3    Train and share knowledge, bolster and share experience through conferences
                                       and other learning opportunities

                        Objective 4    Provide leadership in each region who will be responsible for the work in the
                                       region, building a team and business development
                                       Identify current and next generation HE leads
                                       Provide internal support for each

                        Objective 5    Engage staff to build experience and resumes, increasing bench depth
                        Objective 6    Identify next generation leads and provide internal support for current leads,
                                       ensure strong architectural and interior design
                        Objective 7    Leverage expertise/experience between offices to pursue and compete for
                        Objective 8    Identify next generation of building type work, evaluate experience in the type
                                       and develop a plan for cultivating the market

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