Page 111 - 2022 Annual Report 2022 FINAL
P. 111
In 2022, our Municipal Practice began with a strong interest from municipalities to begin projects they
had shelved during covid, and that momentum simply kept going all year. We had a strong backlog
heading into the year, by the end of the first quarter, our workload caused concern that we’d outpace
our ability to staff the projects properly, as such we began to review our pursuit strategies and tighten
our go no go process and staying closer to our strongest market offerings.
Each region saw gains in wins in our core public safety markets, and increased success in our recreation
market pursuits.
We held bi-weekly marketing, staffing, and subject matter specific meetings all year to integrate our
teams across our geographies and continue to build practice area wide bench strength.
As we head into 2023, we are blessed that the backlog is again strong, and with our efforts to organize
ourselves as a national team, we are optimistic we will continue to gain wins in those pursuits.
The vision for FGM Architects’ Municipal Practice remains the same. That we are the “Architect of
Choice” for high-profile municipal planning/design projects in our core geographic markets and that we
serve as a trusted advisor to our clients, typically local units of government and districts.
In addition to serving as the local architect, we have continued bringing our subject matter expertise to
new markets and strategic geographic pursuits.
A brief description of efforts by geography follows:
• Village of Caledonia – The New Public Safety Building project moved quickly from study,
through design, and is currently in Construction. The new 52,500 SF combined Police and
Fire Headquarters building will be the first joint public safety facility for FGMA in Wisconsin.
Riley Construction was hired as the village’s Construction Manager. FGMA & Riley
Construction have built many public facilities across Illinois. This is the first project in
Wisconsin we have been partnered on. The village broke ground on the project in September
2022 and is expected to have substantial completion by Spring 2024
• City of Cudahy – FGMA was retained by the city through our diligent responsiveness to
clients. The team of Ray Lee, Jason Estes, and Louise Kowalczyk immediately impressed the
Mayor and Fire Chief with their engagement, responsiveness, and depth of knowledge. This
project will combine what is currently two fire stations in the city. The new station will be built
after the demolition of Station 11. Upon completion of the new fire station, Station 12 will
then be demolished. This project is going out to bid in January 2023.
• City of Neenah – After working with the police chief to periodically update his project budget
and scope over the past 4 years, FGMA was selected to design the new Neenah Police
Training Center. The project is a 10,000 SF addition to the existing Neenah Police
Department. It will house a new training room, fitness room, defensive tactics, and simulation
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