Page 20 - The Digital Cloth - issue 8
P. 20
Undoubtedly my love for textiles came from h During this course I realised how much I
my upbringing. I remember my weekly visits enjoyed sharing my ideas and encouraging
to my Nana and aunts’ house; they were both others, so after graduation I completed a Post
enthusiastic knitters. My mum is still an Graduate Certificate in Education, and I have
excellent seamstress and I have fond memories been a teacher of Textiles for over 25 years and
of my handmade clothes and annual a head of department for over 10 years. My
Christmas knitted jumpers. I was fortunate to work as a Textiles teacher has made me an
be surrounded by creative people and encour- infinitely better artist; I thrive on teaching
aged to follow an artistic path. new skills and seeing how my students find
I left school to study a general art and design their own creative path.
course and it was here where I truly fell in I have a continual battle to balance my career
love with textiles, thanks to my amazing tutor as a teacher and my work as an artist. To do
Jane Askey. This led to studying a degree in this I decided to set aside at least 30 minutes a
Textiles and Surface Design. day and post my daily progress on Instagram: