Page 52 - The Digital Cloth - issue 8
P. 52

Deb Cooper is a Mixed Media
    Textile Artist from County Durham
    in the North East of England. She
    often works with natural forms and
    natural dyes to make her art. Also
    producing hand-crafted books,
    cards, brooches, boxes, and hand

    dyed scarves with beautifully
    subtle tones.

    I consider myself a mixed media
    artist, with a particular passion for
    textiles and stitch. It comes as no
    surprise to me that I found this
    path, with my mother being a
    talented seamstress and
    embroiderer. Whilst I was growing
    up, she was working from home

    and so naturally I have always
    been surrounded by fabric, threads
    and sewing notions (and I was
    never short of a new dress!). I must
    admit I did fight against this as a
    youngster, not having the patience
    for the intricate stitch and
    instructions, instead preferring
    to draw, paint, glue or be outside

    making mud pies!
    I studied art after leaving school
    but eventually pursued an
    unrelated career initially in retail
    management. However, it was in a
    home textiles shop, so I guess the
    connection was still there. I then
    went on to work for a medical
    devices company, and
    eventually for an I.T.
    communications and security

    specialist. Alongside these
    ventures, I always continued to
    produce artwork and did
    occasionally sell my work and
    enter exhibitions, making as much
    time as possible to be creative. In
    fact, it continued to be a massive
    part of my life.
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