Page 56 - The Digital Cloth - issue 8
P. 56
I have talked to you about all those love this process. I am not an organised
lovely lines, what about the wrinkles. No dyer and I do not keep notes or try to copy
skin care puns intended but I did say I previous results. For me it is all about the
liked old things. Well along with lots of serendipity of what happens and I will
people who are into textiles in one form pretty much give anything a go. (Although
or another, it is all about the tactile you do subconsciously record what works
quality. I particularly love fabric and what was not so successful.) My dye
manipulation. Pleats, knots, creases – all bundles often included paper which I also
those lovely wrinkles. Alongside hand use in my work. The marks and colours
stitching I often use old lace crochet and achieved frequently leading to creative
deconstructed vintage dollies, in my work, ideas.
to add texture. Recently I have had a go I am a member of Fusion Textile Artists (a
at needle tatting, and this is something group from the North East of England), The
I feel I will pursue further to add to my Embroiderers’ Guild and S.E.W, the
surfaces. It’s certainly a little bit addictive, Society for Embroidered Work. I have
even though I am only just learning. exhibited work nationally and
Many of my pieces are built up with paint, internationally within group shows, but
marks, paper laying, reclaimed textiles, hope to have a solo exhibition in the
machine stitch and then finally hand not-too-distant future. I have also been
stitch. It is the building of layers and lucky enough to attend some inspirational
limited colour palette that leads to the workshops with some amazing artists; I am
finished work. I will also add found continually impressed and fuelled by the
embellishments like buttons, washers, artistry of others. I am really looking
feathers, pressed flowers and leaves. forward to my continuing creative journey!
I hand dye with natural dyes and rust
many of the re-claimed textiles I use and I