P. 10


                                                CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION

                        1.1 REPORT BACKGROUND

                        The Industrial Training Report is an assignment based on the task given by the industry
                        place. This report focuses on aspects related to training that has been carried out such

                        as organization information, field of work and others.

                        This report is consisting of four parts which are:

                        1)     Chapter 1 (Introduction):

                        Report  background,  factor  of  choosing  the  organization,  supervisor  information
                        (university  and  industry),  place  of  industry  training,  period  and  practical  session,

                        schedule of industry training and objective of industrial training in organization.

                        2)     Chapter 2 (Organization Information):

                        Background  of  the  organization  (organization’s  name,  domain,  sector),  vision,
                        mission, organization chart, objective of organization, logo of the organization, contact

                        information of organization, and activities of organization (permanent and periodic


                        3)     Chapter 3 (Fields of Duties):

                        Task that been assigned to, contribution to the organization, benefit from organization,

                        strengths and weaknesses of organization, suggestion and conclusion.
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