P. 8
Industry training is one of the essential subjects for final year students who studied the
Da’wah and Islamic Management course that must be completed in order to graduate
from USIM because a student cannot graduate without completing industry training.
This internship might assist students in discovering and experiencing the industry in
which they have chosen to work. In addition, this industry training gives students
professional work experience as well as particular duties and responsibilities to handle
and solve. It is also critical for students to have the option to work in industry of their
choice. Students are encouraged to look for jobs in both private and government
organizations that are connected to the course they are doing at USIM. Before
submitting an application to the chosen organization, the course leader will assess the
student’s application.
a. The objectives of Industrial Training include:
• To ensure that students adapt to the real working environment.
• To expose students to real work environments such as professionalism,
communication, teamwork, etc.
• To enhance student’s knowledge and skills in the relevant field.
• To improve communication and management skills.
b. Training date
Trainee is required to complete industry training in selected organizations for
16 weeks for the completion of Bachelor of Da’wah and Islamic Management
with Honours courses. My application has been accepted by the Murtadha
Dakwah Centre for industrial training within the period provided by the
university from 21 March 2022 to 10 July 2022. All activities and tasks must
be recorded in the log activity available on the e-LI system industry training
USIM and reviewed by industry supervisors throughout the training period.