Page 7 - MAGAZINE MAR 2022_Neat
P. 7
(Continued from page 6)
have a good news story to report as we hear so
many that are just so frustrating. The only
annoying part is you wonder why it takes so long
for things to get delivered when they are here in
Australia. My worst is my brother ordered some
carby parts from Beenleigh, about 45 minutes by
car, some years ago and they took two weeks to
arrive by post!!! I guess it’s all just part of the
fun of old cars.
As you will remember I am a great
advocate for running a nylon stocking in the top
radiator hose spout and so while I was fixing the
belts I thought I might check the stocking and
found it had about a tablespoon of pebbles in it
after only 15 months. This caused me to look at
the white Fairlane’s which had been in there a
fair bit longer and there was about a golf ball
sized collection in that stocking. I am just very
pleased none of those bits were stuck in my
radiator tubes! I have been using these ladies’
nylon stockings for about 15 years now and I
have never had one fail and even after 18 months
they are still good and have no ladders in them.
You only need about 8 inches of stocking, push it
gently into the spout and wrap the open end
around the spout. Then just push the hose over
the top and tighten it up as normal. Simple and
cheap and there is usually a ready supply.
A News item in Qld Courier Mail 28/8/21 was
headlined “Flood Safety Car Mandate”. The key
points are -- ANCAP Chief Carla Horwood has
stated that from 2023 to achieve 5 Star Safety
Rating cars will have to be built such that
Windows and Door Locks in new models will
have to remain functional for 10 minutes after
the car is submerged. The intent is to assist
Emergency Workers (or rescuers generally) to
get people out of submerged vehicles.
Additionally - it seems that if the manufacturers
cannot prove that electric windows will work
they will have to provide Glass Breaking Tools
or alternative mechanisms and instructions in
the Owner Manuals. It will be interesting to see
how this develops and how the manufacturers
try to waterproof all the electrical connections
and what period of years will be specified.
It is very pleasing to see all the new members
joining the Club. Now that we have the runs
mapped out for the year I look forward to seeing
many more cars on our runs. Not only do you get
to meet nice people but you also get to see
enjoyable places that you were quite unaware
Enjoy your driving, regards, Adrian