Page 28 - EASL_CONGRESS_2025_Prospectus
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WELCOME            FIGURES            FORMAT            KEY DATES         PROGRAMME         SPONSORSHIP          RANKING          GUIDELINES          CONTACTS

            Sponsorship Products Digital

              Push Notifications

               Remind delegates to attend your session(s). Push
               notification can contain a hyperlink to event related   WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY
               content and are sent via the congress mobile app and
               the event platform.                             1 hour before  Every congress day,  1 hour before  the
                                                               Satellite     industry satellite symposia slot, sponsors
                                                               Symposia      can send ad-hoc reminders in the form of push
               CONGRESS STATISTICS                                           notifications to all registered delegates via
                                                                             mobile devices and the mobile app to attract
               Notifications received by an average of 3,621 delegates
                                                                             delegates to join the highlighted sessions.
               Distributed via:
               Congress mobile app (6,147 users)                             3 notifications available per slot, per day.
               Online event platform (699 users)                             Item subject to priority ranking.
                                                                             Industry Satellite SYMPOSIA
                                                               1 hour before   Every congress day, 1 hour before the indus-
               Push notifications can be ordered until 30 March 2025.   Satellite   try satellite expert slots, sponsors can send
               Deadline to provide content in line with technical speci-  Experts  ad-hoc reminders in the form of push notifi-
               fications: 30 March 2025.                                     cations to all registered delegates via mobile
                                                                             devices and the mobile app to attract dele-
                                                                             gates into the advertised sponsored sessions.

                                                                             3 notifications available per slot, per day.
               EXHIBITOR PRICE                                               Item subject to priority ranking.

                7,500 €               14,000€                                  Industry Satellite EXPERTS
                Price per push        Price for 2

                CONDITIONS AND GUIDELINES: see page 35-36                                                                                
                 ORDER DEADLINE: 30.03.2025                                                                                                        #EASLCongress    28
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