Page 30 - EASL_CONGRESS_2025_Prospectus
P. 30

WELCOME            FIGURES            FORMAT            KEY DATES         PROGRAMME         SPONSORSHIP          RANKING          GUIDELINES          CONTACTS

            Partner Services

              Meeting Rooms

               Meet companies, clients, colleagues and KOLs face to face in your own private meeting room conveniently located within the congress venue. Meeting rooms are closed
               rooms and may not be used to exhibit company’s products or to organise activities, such as media briefings, press conferences, any other type of meetings, including
               satellite symposia, educational and Meet-the-Experts sessions. Meeting rooms are exclusive and reserved to EASL Congress exhibitors or sponsors.

               BLACK OUT TIMES                                YOUR MEETING ROOM INCLUDES
               •  All restricted times listed below are reserved exclusively   •  Meeting room rental for the entire duration.
                 for EASL programmes, meetings and official functions   •  Tables and chairs according to room size.
                 of EASL Congress 2025.                       •  Your company name on the room door and signage.
               •  Events of more than 70 participants are not allowed   •  Basic AV (screen and beamer).
                 in the venue premises and in the surrounding hotels
                 during the following restricted times:       ACCESS
                                                              •  Everbody involved in the operation of the meeting room
               Wednesday       07 May 2025       Not allowed
                                                                must have a valid badge (exhibitor, delegate, day badge).
               Thursday        08 May 2025      07:30 – 19:00  •  Persons without such a badge will not be allowed to enter
                                                                the room. Meeting rooms can be used throughout the entire
               Friday          09 May 2025      07:30 – 19:00
               Saturday        10 May 2025      07:30 – 17:00

                23,000 €                         25,000 €                       28,000 €
                Meeting Room - 40m ,             Meeting Room - 50m ,           Meeting Room - 70m ,
                Boardroom default setup (15 pax)*  Boardroom default setup (22 pax)  Boardroom default setup (28 pax)
                * variations of capacity possible

                CONDITIONS AND GUIDELINES: see page 35-36                                                                                
                 ORDER DEADLINE: 04.04.2025                                                                                                        #EASLCongress    30
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