Page 29 - EASL_CONGRESS_2025_Prospectus
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WELCOME            FIGURES            FORMAT            KEY DATES         PROGRAMME         SPONSORSHIP          RANKING          GUIDELINES          CONTACTS

            Sponsorship Products Digital

                                                                                                                       MORE THAN                    SPONSOR
                                                                                                                   23.7K+ DOWNLOADS             5 POINTS
                                                                                                                     AS OF 2024 FOR             per 2,500 €
                                                                                                                       42 BEST OF
              EASL Congress Best of Slide Decks                                                                        SLIDE DECKS

                Launched at the occasion of the International Liver   8 SLIDE DECKS
                Congress (ILC) 2018, the EASL Best of Slide Decks
                are educational materials highlighting the best sci-    Basic Science
                entific and clinical data presented during EASL Con-    Public Health
                gresses and summits.
                                                                    Viral Hepatitis
                These didactic PowerPoint presentations are classified     Liver Tumours
                based on the EASL topic tracks and complement existing     Metabolic, Alcohol and Toxicity
                materials like the Congress webcasts and ePosters.
                                                                    Cirrhosis and Complications
                Available for download and consultation on the last day of     Immune-Mediated & Cholestatic Diseases
                an EASL event and used by the wrap-up presenters at the
                EASL Congress, these resources allow for a rapid sharing     General Hepatology
                of the latest knowledge with the registered delegates, and
                by extension with the community in general.

                 50,000 €                                   40,000 €
                 Best of Slide Deck all tracks              Best of Slide Deck all tracks (EASL Campus supporters)
                 35,000 €                                   30,000 €
                 Track specific Slide Deck                  Track specific Slide Deck (EASL Campus supporters)

                CONDITIONS AND GUIDELINES: see page 35-36                                                                                
                 ORDER DEADLINE: 30.03.2025                                                                                                        #EASLCongress    29
   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34