Page 14 - Blood and thunder
P. 14

his car and disappeared from the place, knowing that he would have to be very smart
                  not to fall and feel guilty.
                         With his head full and his soul empty, Adam went looking to fill empty places
                  that  were  already  known  to  him.  Hiding  in  vices,  gambling,  lust,  trying  to  hide
                  something that inevitably at some point could explode. In crowded rooms where he felt
                  so empty.
                         And he began to think that she was the light that relaxed him when he was about
                  to be caught by the darkness. But now, that darkness had returned, and gradually his
                  hands began to turn into weapons, killing his soul. And time passed, his wounds did not
                  close, he kept falling into a pit that seemed to have no end.
                         The night came, and he, as usual, wanted to spend the night in a bar, one he had
                  gone to many times. He walked into the bar knowing he was going to ask the same old
                  thing. But at that moment he looked up, there she was, Julia, dressed for the occasion,
                  implying that she was not there by chance. There she was, with his eyes turning him to
                  stone. Adam couldn’t understand what was going on, so he inevitably came over to talk
                  to her. And they started talking, Adam started remembering that voice that relaxed him
                  in the worst moments, but this time, he didn’t want to fall apart, he didn’t want to make
                  the same mistake of trusting, but with a whisper in his ear and the right phrases, he fell
                  down. And after a passionate night, Adam woke up knowing that his parachute had
                  stopped working and he was falling straight to the floor, understanding that he had
                  fallen back into Julia’s eyes, into her voice, into her skin. But he convinced himself that,
                  though he was afraid to start living again, he would enjoy it, and much more. Julia had
                  a lot of unfinished business after that night when she had to see her lover’s body, so she
                  knew she needed someone reliable. They started doing things together, like exploding
                  cars with dead people inside, or eliminating people they owed something to.
                         And there they were, like Bonnie and Clyde, Shrek and Fiona. There are a lot of

                  examples, but this time, there was no firm feeling, it was madness and a need to have
                  someone to lean on.  That’s what united them, and what made them never go separate
                  ways again.

                  Story based on Maroon 5’s “Wake up call”
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