Page 19 - DUT Engagement Summary Report
P. 19
Community Engagement
at at at DUT is facilitated and coordinated by the Community Engagement
Committee (CEC) The CEC CEC was established to advance the scholarship of engagement
it aims to to ensure that the University’s approach to to community engagement
is linked to DUT’s Engagement
Framework 2030 The CEC is tasked with improving coordination and collaboration both internally and externally assessing existing and and future engagements and and suggesting University engagement
activities in in communities that will increase DUT’s impact In terms of of of itsTerms of of of Reference it it is composed of of of representatives from all six (6) Faculties the five (5) Directorates Research Centres and and and Institutes and and and Engagement
Partners and/or NGOs The CEC meets at least once per quarter to discuss community community engagement
and share the community community engagement
activities each Faculty has been engaging in in It is supported by the the Community Engagement
Practitioner operating under the the DVC DVC RIE RIE Community Engagement
Office and the DVC DVC RIE RIE is its chair In 2021 the the CEC coordinated the the 2nd Community Engagement
Showcase and Excellence Awards where the top ten (10) community engagement
projects initiated by staff and students were selected to win cash prizes and have their projects showcased on various media engagement
platforms The CE Excellence Awards are aimed at recognising staff students and social partners for their commitment to community engagement
The report on the CE projects showcased in 2021 is accessible via: https://dut4lifeac sharepoint com/:b:/s/duthub/ EfzQCS_AmvFHh1zpaJNrF1oBDAkHkeFjpHEwd1LlYmT xPg?e=LVdWH2 Other CE projects initiated by staff and students have been showcased via the DUT website in order to share this engagement
with the larger DUT community // DURBAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY // 17