Page 32 - KZN Film Annual Report 2023/2024
P. 32

 The entity strives to ensure that vulnerable groups are given opportunities and supported throughout the value chain of the film sector. Funding is one of those critical areas that the entity seeks to ensure that the vulnerable groups benefit through. Over seventy percent of the entity’s procurement budget is earmarked to support the vulnerable groups. However, there are challenges that have been identified in trying to support the vulnerable groups and the entity is working tireless to address them. The challenges can be tubulated as follows:
• Blacks: Generally quotations received from this group of suppliers are not always the lowest. Understandably, bigger and
much established companies are able to utilise the economies of scale to lower their prices. However, at times there are issues of compliance and proper costing. The entity through supplier development programmes communicates these challenges to the service providers and offers assistance help.
• Women: Women are prioritised when inviting for bids and quotations. Their participation is also low, and those who come through at times do not meet the set criteria. Historically, the industry is male-dominated and this might be a reflection of a broader challenge.
• Youth: Youth like all other designated / vulnerable groups are always prioritised when inviting bids and quotations. There has been a gradual improvement in the participation of the group. The entity is working on increasing the participation of rural and peri-urban youth.
• People With disabilities (PWD). Our database for PWD is limited, and so is the database for CSD. The entity has made efforts to contact various associations of people living with disabilities to include them in our database.
However, despite all these challenges KZNFilm achieved Level 1 B-BBEE Status in the 2023/24 financial year.
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