Page 33 - KZN Film Annual Report 2023/2024
P. 33
Programme 3: Marketing and Industry Development
Programme Purpose:
The main purpose of the Marketing and Industry Development is to facilitate the development of the film industry in the province, ensure that the province is film-friendly, attract investment into the Province through co-productions and film facilitation, and promote the region through appropriate marketing and communication strategies that focus on the film industry development programmes through human capital development and investment promotion.
Functions co-ordinated under this programme include:
• Investment promotion at local and international platforms aimed at attracting investment into infrastructure as well as into productions in the region.
• Development and implementation of a marketing strategy aimed at positioning the film commission in the local and international marketplace, engaging communities in the province to ensure access to the programmes of the commission, identification and promotion of business with certain countries that are leaders in the film industry.
• Development, management and maintenance of a website and critical stakeholder databases in order to assist in facilitating production and employment opportunities for the local industry.
• Business development / Incubation and graduate accelerator programmes.
• Human Capital Development through various training and skills development interventions.
• Management of the KZN Film Fund, for job creation; inward production investment and the development of technical skills
in the province through increased and varied productions.
• One-stop-shop for production support including support in finding local crew and cast, film facilities, film permitting and
location scouting.
Percentage of people selected to attend markets and festivals (delegation) from the designated groups
Outcome: Transformed and inclusive film industry in KZN through Increased access to KZNFC Programmes
Performance Indicator
Actual Achievement
Planned Target
Actual Achievement
Percentage of people selected to attend markets and festivals from the designated groups
The target was met and exceeded by +3.
Explanation of Actual Achievement
During the first quarter of the financial year, no targets were set. Throughout the entire year, nine markets and festivals were attended. The second and third quarters surpassed the annual target of 90% in quarterly output. However, the fourth quarter only reached 67% of the annual target. Nonetheless, it was still considered achieved since a 90% target was set for the entire year.
31 ANNUAL REPORT 2023/2024