Page 16 - 2022-2023 Annual Report Booklet_No Budget
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Education Ministry
The Education Ministry serves the members of Cornerstone and the community in the areas of
Sunday Morning Connect Groups, the University of Transformation Wednesday night studies,
Vacation Bible School, and New Members orientation. The Minister of Education is responsible
for each of these ministries.
Connect Groups
The total enrollment for Sunday morning Connect groups for 2022-23 was 1,209, up from 1,085.
That total includes 319 youth, 162 children and 728 adults.. The average weekly attendance from
October 2022 to August 2023 was 325. The adult classes continued to hold class in-person and on
Zoom for the entire year. The adult classes use the LifeWay curriculum, Explore the Bible series, a
systematic of each book of the Bible, while the young adults use the Bible Studies for Life series.
University of Transformation
In the Fall of 2022 we had hot topics each Wednesday night...a variety of them… One special topic
was the subject of Monkey Pox with Dr. Jill from Dallas.
Spring 2023 session classes included: Lessons in Relationships from the life of Boaz and Ruth,
The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork, Find Your People: Building Deep Community in a Lonely
World, Foundations for Faith, and T-Shirt Quilting With Purpose.
The summer session was led by various church leaders as they discussed questions submitted by the
Vacation Bible School
Twists and Turns based on Psalm 25:4 was the theme for summer 2023. Veronica Griffith along with
many wonderful volunteers lead a successful week that ended with several baptisms. Children were
taught that Jesus guides them through all the twists and turns of their lives.
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