Page 11 - 2022-2023 Annual Report Booklet_No Budget
P. 11
Communications, Special Events,
and Computer Services Min.
These ministries exist to support and help maintain an atmosphere conducive to worshipping God while promoting the
ministry both inside and outside of the church walls. The ministries under this banner serve in a myriad of areas within
the church. Participants are given opportunity for spiritual growth as they use their God-given abilities to advance God’s
• Sponsored a Prayer Drive Through event in January 2023.
• Coordinated the 24-hour prayer chain in January 2023.
• Produced digital and printed materials for the 21-days of prayer and fasting in January 2023.
• Hosted Trunk or Treat with 52 cars participating and over 1,989 in attendance.
• Participated in church fairs to promote the church on various school campuses.
• Produced all materials for the community outreach events.
• Hosted the Christmas Cocoa and Carols Family night.
• Worked with the Food Pantry and Evangelism Ministries for outreach events.
• Worked with the Education Min. to host a Veterans Luncheon.
• Assisted with Family Fest - a churchwide family conference held with guest speakers.
November 2022: Partnered with Carter Blood Center to
host a blood drive. Over 25 pints of blood were collected,
• Oversight was given for day to day
which could save up to 75 lives!
IT support, help, maintenance and
training for all church operations. February 2023: Sponsored “Go Red Sunday” for heart
health awareness. Performed heart health assessments
• Completed the process of inputting and distributed educational materials.
all computers on campus in our
March and September 2023: Lose to Win – L.E.A.D. and
inventory software.
L.E.A.D. 2.0 Wellness Challenge with virtual and in-person
activities and support. Wellness classes and workouts
• Maintained and serviced the WIFI
provided throughout the program. Some participants
access and computers across cam-
lost weight as well as reduced blood pressure, and
diabetes readings. Over 120 participants collectively
from Cornerstone Church, DFW area, San Angelo, TX,
Oklahoma, Virginia, and California.