Page 10 - March 28
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M i n i s t ry   O p p o r t u n i t i e s

                                                           POSITION VACANCY
                                     ADJUNCT PROFESSOR FOR THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS

                              Arlington Baptist University is a four-year university committed to the spiritual, academic,
                              and personal growth of its students.

                              Whether our students' vocational goals are faith based or secular, they will be grounded in
          the Word of God and challenged to use their gifts for the glory of God.

          Arlington Baptist University invites applicants for the position of Adjunct Professor (P/T) to teach in the School of
          Business who are qualified to teach the following disciplines: Finance & Accounting, Business Tools, Microeco-
          nomics, Macroeconomics, Operations Management, Supply Change Management, Principles of Managerial Ac-
          counting, Project Management, International Business and Personal Finance.

          Minimum Qualifications: MBA with at least 18 graduate credit hours in the required discipline and teaching expe-
          rience preferred.

          Please submit a CV or resume along with your letter of application and unofficial transcripts to Peggy Smith at

           Federal Bureau of Prison is hiring. Applicants cannot be over 37 years old and have good credit.  Veterans are
           an exception to the age cap. To apply go to and type “federal bureau of prisons” in the search bar.

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