Page 6 - March 28
P. 6
M i n i s t ry O p p o r t u n i t i e s
We are asking each household to commit to 15 minutes of Bible reading and prayer each day during
Holy Week: Sunday March 28 – Sunday April 4. Each household will come together at a time of their
choosing to pray. Please use the format below, but do not limit yourselves to this format.
Sunday March 28 Monday March 29
Worship song (sing or play on device) Worship song
Read: Joshua 24:15 Read: John 11:23-27
Prayer List: Prayer List:
Thank God for the blessings of your household Pray for Households grieving the death of family
Pray for the needs of each person in your house- members and friends due to the pandemic: father,
hold mother, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, cousin, grand-
Pray for the households in your family parents, spouse
Pray for the households in your neighborhood
Pray for the households at school/work
Wednesday March 31
Tuesday March 30 Worship song
Worship song Read: 2 Kings 4:1-7
Prayer List:
Read: Mark 16: 17-18 Restoration of household income due to pandemic
Prayer List: Restoration of family businesses
Clarity, right information, and unity among family Pray for new business ideas to come to fruition
members concerning the Vaccines
Pray for those suffering from the side effects of Friday April 2
the vaccines
Pray for those dealing with the long-term effects Worship song
of COVID-19 Read: 1 Samuel 16:22-23
Prayer List:
Thursday April 1 Pray for households dealing with clinical depres-
Worship song sion to get the help they need
Read: 1 Samuel 13:16 Pray for households grieving family members who
Prayer List: committed suicide or contemplating suicide
Pray for the rising cases of domestic violence Pray for children and youth affected my mental
Pray for the rising cases of sexual abuse health issues
Pray for marriage issues to be resolved
Sunday April 4
Saturday April 3 Worship song
Read: Psalm 133
Worship song Prayer List
Read: Acts 2:46-47 Pray for record number of people on livestream on
Prayer List: Easter Sunday
Pray for revival in the church that starts in the Pray for the success of the Easter Sunday Parking
home lot service
Pray for worship to be fully restored in our church- Pray for unity in the Body of Christ
es by Summer Pray for God to guide Pastor McKissic and Elders in
Pray for a harvest of souls that include your family reopening the Church
Pray for Pastor McKissic and other church leaders
to preach the gospel with boldness