Page 9 - March 28
P. 9
M i n i s t ry O p p o r t u n i t i e s
The Children's Ministry is sponsoring a Resurrection
Scavenger Hunt for families with children in grades 6
and below. The hunt will take place Saturday, April 3
from 11am - 1pm throughout the neighborhood around
the church within a 5-mile radius. You will stay in your
car for the majority of the hunt, while deciphering your
next stop using the clues and riddles you'll get from
each pit stop station. Once you sign up to participate,
you will receive an email with all of the details you'll
need for the scavenger hunt. To participate, text
"scavenger" to
817.468.0083. The scaven-
ger hunt is open to any
child in 6th grade and be-
Needed For The Children's
Ministry Scavenger Hunt.
Please continue to drop off donations of individually
wrapped candy at the church office so that we can meet our
goal to provide every child registered for the scavenger
hunt with ample "sweets and treats".