Page 15 - October 3
P. 15

M i n i s t ry   O p p o r t u n i t i e s

          Class Day and Time: Sundays from 5-6PM          Class Location: Online Only – Via Zoom
          Class Dates: November 21 – December 19          Course Fee: $0
          Instructor: Dawud Mabon

          ~BIBLE BOOK STUDY~
          Conflict Management: A Biblical and Practical Perspective on Managing Modern Day

          This 8-week course will cover some basic principles of conflict and conflict management and address
          how Scripture can be applied to dealing with interpersonal, organizational and societal conflicts. There
          will also be discussion on the topic of reconciliation.

          Class Day and Time: Mondays at 7pm          Class Location: Hybrid (In-person and online)
          Class Dates: TBD                        Course Fee: TBD
          Instructor: Dale Sharp Jenkins
          (Class location subject to change based on status of COVID-19 during the class).

          7 Laws of the Teacher

          This class will help you to become a better communicator of truth. Whether you are a pastor, Sunday
          school teacher, public school teacher, parent or small group leader, the 7 Laws study will renew your
          thinking and unleash the creative teacher in you.

          Class Day and Time: TBD                  Class Location: TBD
          Class Dates: TBD                        Course Fee: $0
          Instructor: Vera McKissic

                                                 Registration link:



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