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M i n i s t ry   O p p o r t u n i t i e s

                 University of  Transformation 2021-2022

                   Class Descriptions for Fall 2021 and Spring 2022

                            FALL SEMESTER 2021 – Part 1

           Daytime Study - Following God’s Guidance
           We read in the Bible how God guided Noah, Moses, and Mary and Joseph. But how does God guide us
           today? This study will explore the different ways God communicates to you. It will help you learn how to
           discover God’s presence and direction with a fresh new look.

           Class Day and Time: Wednesdays 11 am          Class Location: Hybrid (In-person and online)
           Class Start Date: Begins October 6              Course Fee: $5 course book
           Instructors: Vera McKissic & Carolyn Thornton

           The Heart That Makes a Home
           The role of the wife has been the source of much discussion and controversy; but God intended mar-
           riage to provide fulfillment. This 6-week study will help you see the truth of God’s Word on what it means
           to be a wife. This is a study for the married woman and those who look to be married.

           Class Day and Time: Tuesdays/7pm             Class Location: Online Only
           Class Start Date: Begins October 12             Course Fee: $5 workbook
           Instructor: Vera McKissic


           Deepening Your Prayer Life
           Prayer is our conversation with God. Dr. Charles Stanley reveals in Deepening Your Prayer Life, our
           prayers go beyond mere human interaction - it gives us access into the very throne room of God. Our
           heavenly Father grants us the privilege to come before him with authority because of our position in
           Christ. We can be bold in believing that God will accomplish what He promised in our lives.

           Class Day and Time: Saturdays at 9AM         Class Location: Hybrid (In-person and online)
           Class Start Date: Begins October 2              Course Fee: $10 course book
           Instructor: Rosie Pea

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