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M i n i s t ry   O p p o r t u n i t i e s

                                                     Sons of Daniel Mentoring Ministry

                                                   2021-2022 Registration Is Now Open!

                                     What Is the Sons Of Daniel Mentoring Ministry?
                                      The Sons of Daniel Mentoring Ministry was developed to provide guidance to
                                     young men in the 4 through the 12  grades, as they move through their years of
                                     adolescence. We focus on both, young men who have fathers, as well as young
                                     men who do not have fathers active in their lives.

                             In the Sons of Daniel Ministry, the young men are divided into 3 groups:
                 * Cubs (4-6 grades)         * Hunters (7-9 grades)           * Kings (10-12 grades)

          Each group  is led by  a  team  of  godly male mentors.  We seek  to give each young  man godly principles  of
          manhood in hopes of providing a successful transition into adulthood. The mentor’s basic responsibility is to
          support the family in guiding the young men through the process of becoming a responsible adult.

          Our  mentoring  sessions  start  September  12,  2021  and  run  through  May  of  2022.  We  meet  the  2   and  4
          Sundays of each month from 5-7PM in the Multi-Purpose Room.

          Text  SOD22  to  817.468.0083  to  sign  up  and  complete  the  application  for  participation.  Even  if  you’ve
          participated before, you must sign up each year.

                                                               Daughters of Deborah

                                                       Mentoring Ministry 2021-2022

                                                           Registration Is Now Open!

                                                                      Mentoring Program

                                                      2021-2022 registration is open. Girls entering 4th through 12th
           grades are invited to sign up to participate for the 2021-2022 calendar year. There is no fee to enroll! However,
           there may be small amounts of money required for special outings by individual groups. The largest expense is
           the annual retreat. Our policy is to “leave no girl   behind” because of finances. Register by texting “DOD22” to

                                       What is Daughters of Deborah?

           The Daughters of Deborah mentoring program is a discipleship training program for young ladies in grades
           4-12. The   program meets bi-monthly from September to May. The young women in each grade level are
           paired with a group of mentors who share with them wisdom from God’s Word, a planned curriculum, and their
           own life    experiences. During the course of the year the young ladies have an opportunity to make Christian
           friends,  share  in  volunteer  learning  experiences  while  being  able  to  discuss  critical  issues  pertaining  to
           their own lives in a comfortable setting. They also   engage in seminars, etiquette sessions, cultural outings,
           sleepovers and an annual retreat. The year culminates with an annual celebration in May.

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