Page 5 - October 3
P. 5

M i n i s t ry   O p p o r t u n i t i e s

                                 “Faith & Blue” Community Conversation

          Sunday, October 10th from 4:30-5:30pm we’re hosting a very special “Faith & Blue” Community Conver-
           sation with the Chief of Police, the Assistant School Superintendent, various Detectives, and members
           of Cornerstone. We’re going to discuss "Youth and Gun Violence" and the prevalence of it in our area.

            We will follow the conversation with a kickball game between the officers and our youth. Parents, we
                   hope that you will come out, bring your youth as well and participate in this discussion.

                 We will follow up with Daughters of Deborah and Sons of Daniel after the panel discussion.

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