Page 7 - October 3
P. 7

M i n i s t ry   O p p o r t u n i t i e s

            We need volunteers to help with the AWANA program. Volunteers are needed in

            the following areas:
              AWANA Teachers- teach biblical lesson to a group of kids each week.
              Game Leaders - lead age-appropriate games during game time. These game

                are usually AWANA specific games. If you enjoy competition, this is a fun area
                to volunteer in
              Bible Verse Listeners - listen to clubbers say their verses on campus
              Floater & Substitutes - jump in wherever there are shortages on a given night

              Room Monitors- help monitors the kids on zoom
              Online Listener Monitors - listen to kids recite memory verses on zoom

            Contact Min. Janelle Taylor at to signup or for more in-

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