Page 16 - October 17_Neat
P. 16

M i n i s t ry   O p p o r t u n i t i e s

                                                               WE'RE LOOKING FOR SINGERS
                                                              TO HELP ON SUNDAY MORNINGS

                                                             If you are interested in assisting with enlarging
                                                         our group on Sunday mornings, we'd like to speak
                                                   with you. You DO NOT have to be a current member of
                                                   the choir, we're open for new singers. If you sing and

                                                     you're interested, contact us at the church office,
                                                             817.468.0083 or email JE McKissic

                                                       A free fun drive-thru event filled with creatively decorat-
                                                       ed cars and trucks, candy, toys, photo-ops and a drive-
                                                                      in movie to top the night off.

                                                       We need 25 people willing to decorate their vehicle with
                                                         whatever theme you desire and distribute candy to
                                                         those driving through. All candy will be pre-bagged.
                                                         Please sign up today if you are willing to participate
                                                          and help us share info about Jesus Christ and our
                                                       church by decorating your car and distributing the can-
                                                         dy. Scan the QR code and sign up today. WE NEED

                                                           Registration link:

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